ShokoAnime / MyAnime3

Repository for My Anime 3, a MediaPortal plugin.
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cant install via extension-manager? #73

Closed Andy2244 closed 4 years ago

Andy2244 commented 4 years ago

I can see the 3.7.3 release via the manager, but on install i just get 404 not found?

da3dsoul commented 4 years ago

No offense, but we haven't supported MA3 for years. We don't have any devs who are at all familiar with MP or the MA3 codebase. If you want to see an MP2 plugin, go put a thumbs up on Feel free to comment if you have any input

da3dsoul commented 4 years ago

To give an idea, I'm the most active dev going back years now, and I don't know what "extension manager" refers to, nor what URL it's looking for that is now a 404

Andy2244 commented 4 years ago

Sure i know its been a long time, but recently i had so many issues with the Kodi-DS player that i wanted to give MP1 a try, since it's still updated.

I just saw the "recent" 2019 release and assumed 3.7.3 should work with MP1, given the last commits by ElementalCrisis?

da3dsoul commented 4 years ago

There have been 310 commits since October 27, 2019. Theoretically, it might work with minimal changes, but I have no idea

da3dsoul commented 4 years ago

@ElementalCrisis can you see if we can easily build MA3 against Server for this next release, and probably update the URL to whatever changed? I would assume that it's the GitHub move to ShokoAnime, but idk

ElementalCrisis commented 4 years ago

Yep, I'll do some testing tonight and see if it works.

ElementalCrisis commented 4 years ago

No issues here, able to find and install it via Known Extensions in the MPEM.

@Andy2244 can you write out what you're doing just in case I'm doing something different? @da3dsoul no issues so far, will do some more testing but plugin loads fine and connects to Shoko Server.

Andy2244 commented 4 years ago

@Andy2244 can you write out what you're doing just in case I'm doing something different?

Just did a fresh install of MP1 (1.25), than started the Extension-Manager and updated the repo info twice (F5), since on the first update only 3.7.2 shows up. Than i search for "myan" just click install or select 3.7.3 from the dropdown and get the 404 error The remote server returned an error 404: not Found..

The only weird part is that i always need todo two "refresh update info" runs, before 3.7.3 shows up, otherwise i only see 3.7.2?

PS: Did just a full reinstall and get the same error? So how did you guys actually install MA3?

Andy2244 commented 4 years ago

The update location is listed as in the c:\ProgramData\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\Installer\V2\KnownExtensions.xml

The xml seems broken, since the version that tags 3.7.3, while the download links to 3.7.2?


mp1_ext mp1_ext2

So the error is because does indeed not exists. If i manually switch the url to i can get to the download location and get the package. So the xml needs to-be updated and remove the 3.7.2 infos, while linking to the 3.7.3.mpe1 file.

PS: I really wonder how you could install MA3 with this xml? You should have gotten the same errors?

ElementalCrisis commented 4 years ago

Ah makes sense 3.7.2 errors out as that file was moved to the My Anime 3 archive. I'm in the process of re-organizing our downloads folder and will rebuild update.xml and remove 3.7.2,

Should have no issues (for now) downloading 3.7.3 and installing it.

ElementalCrisis commented 4 years ago

Updated the files and MediaPortal website listing.

Andy2244 commented 4 years ago

Updated the files and MediaPortal website listing.

ok tested and working now. The actual MA3 config settings page still has the 3.7.2 version info, so its stored somewhere in the settings files.

PS: Kinda crazy that good old MP1 is the only media-center in 2020 i could find with working "official" MadVR + Shoko, but once you are loaded in its actually pretty snappy.

da3dsoul commented 4 years ago

MP2 supports madvr, right?

Andy2244 commented 4 years ago

MP2 supports madvr, right?

nope... seems the guy that did it for MP1 kinda lost interest, so no MadVR for MP2 atm. There is a request ofc to get it back... BTW i found this regarding mpc players (emby, plex, Jellyfin) in a Emby thread..... which also once had MadVR support and now they removed it again lol. Scroll down to the long mpc settings page, this seems promising as a madvr replacement.

ElementalCrisis commented 4 years ago

Probably just need to update the version number and rebuild it, I'll do that in a bit.