Shopify / tokengating-example-app

A Shopify example app that creates and enforces tokengated product discounts, written in Node.js
MIT License
35 stars 15 forks source link

Tokengating Example App


Quick Start Guide

  1. Clone the tokengating example app.
  2. Go to the app's root directory in your terminal and run npm install to download all the dependencies
  3. Install Rust and cargi-wasi
  4. Run npm run dev. The terminal will prompt you with Create this project as a new app on Shopify?, select yes
  5. Enter a name for your app or accept the default
  6. Your local server should be running now and you should see a "Shareable app URL" on your terminal. Copy and replace YOUR_NGROK_URL in /extensions/tokengate-src/src/useEvaluateGate.js
  7. While your app is running, in a separate terminal window run npm --prefix extensions/tokengate-src run build to include these changes to your build
  8. Run npm run deploy to deploy your app
  9. Install the app on your development store by visiting the "Shareable app URL" that was logged to your terminal.
  10. Navigate to your app in your partners page and enable the theme app extension. There's a shortcut in your local server logs.
  11. You can now add the theme app extension to your Online Store's theme. There's a shortcut in your local server logs for this as well, under "Setup your theme app extension in the host theme". At the top of the theme editor, select a page under "Products" and add your theme app extension's block under "Product information".
  12. Within the partner's page, if you navigate to the tokengating-function extension, you will see the function's ID in the "Function details" section. It's also part of the URL when you're on the tokengating-function page. Copy that ID and replace YOUR_FUNCTION_ID in /web/api/create-discount.js.

Tokengating in action

  1. Go to the app on your development store by visiting the "Shareable app URL" from your server log. Create a gate with a discount of your choice.
  2. Once the gate is created you can visit your admin's Discount page to verify that it exists there.
  3. Now you can visit your Online Store by visiting the URL logged in your terminal under "Preview your theme app extension". Go to the gated product and connect your wallet to unlock the gate. Add the item to your cart. If you view the cart details, you will see that the discount you created has been applied.
  4. Your app has attested that any connected wallet will unlock the gate. This attestation is a cart attribute with the key _shopify_gate_context and can be viewed at the URL: As app developers, you have complete control over the gate requirements and the logic involved in determining if a gate should be unlocked.

If you'd like a step-by-step tutorial on how to build this app, check out our tutorial series.

More Resources


For help on setting up the repository locally, building, testing and contributing please see

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