SightstoneOfficial / LegendaryClient

LegendaryClient, rebooted
69 stars 59 forks source link

Garena randomly crash. #327

Closed pondtroid closed 9 years ago

pondtroid commented 9 years ago

After run/login about 2-3 min

(25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: LegendaryClient Started Up Successfully (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Switching to the page: LegendaryClient.Windows.PatcherPage (25/3/2558 13:12) [EXCEPTION]: A first chance exception was thrown (25/3/2558 13:12) [EXCEPTION]: Could not load file or assembly 'mscorlib.XmlSerializers, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (25/3/2558 13:12) [EXCEPTION]: at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly._nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks) at System.Reflection.RuntimeAssembly.nLoad(AssemblyName fileName, String codeBase, Evidence assemblySecurity, RuntimeAssembly locationHint, StackCrawlMark& stackMark, IntPtr pPrivHostBinder, Boolean throwOnFileNotFound, Boolean forIntrospection, Boolean suppressSecurityChecks) (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Newest DataDragon Version: 5.5.3 (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Current DataDragon Version: 5.5.3 (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: DDragon Version (LOL Version) = 5.5.3 (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Newest Air Assets Version: (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Current Air Assets Version: (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Checking Theme... (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Trying to detect League of Legends GameClient (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: League of Legends is located at: D:\GarenaLoLTH_20150121\GarenaLoLTH\GameData\Apps\LoLTH\ (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Latest League of Legends GameClient: (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Checking if League of Legends is Up-To-Date (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: League of Legends is Up-To-Date (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: LegendaryClient Has Finished Patching (25/3/2558 13:12) [LOG]: Switching to the page: LegendaryClient.Windows.LoginPage (25/3/2558 13:13) [LOG]: Received token, it is: gta+PqCaVm3VSY+fhty3RrRQS8uxzYomTDfkbvGxjxby36daK44MtzRFjbzaO8upc8vXik8EBTkkJFA4WzwsKxyg2pl2RYJ+BMjiK2/5DFsKJ84OjCGmIakjBLKdHho5sZPmO5DBtkiYwa4y/puP6kq8+8CiWtnKJ93yjhY1EETZHzd1yWlvvGYinSSoixbWVqiN+TaUAjoqXQGSg9fEtnCqwl3oBkPo8NcdalIyoG5Dbh+tuydJsK5wSlxBOegOdpnrZDgb+3akUGSM08x/V8XgOeEWbbnmE41IPJ6hHKLhfd78Fu64z6c8N+ozObNvwQgHQYTzYkkpcZErkQ== (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: A first chance exception was thrown (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: An invalid IP address was specified. (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: at System.Net.IPAddress.InternalParse(String ipString, Boolean tryParse) (25/3/2558 13:13) [LOG]: Connected to th and logged in as (25/3/2558 13:13) [LOG]: Switching to the page: LegendaryClient.Windows.MainPage (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: A first chance exception was thrown (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: '', hexadecimal value 0x1F, is an invalid character. Line 1, position 1. (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e) (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: A first chance exception was thrown (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: Invalid JSON primitive: . (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: at System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptObjectDeserializer.DeserializePrimitiveObject() (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: A first chance exception was thrown (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: Exception of type 'xpnet.PartialTokenException' was thrown. (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: at xpnet.Encoding.scanAtts(Int32 nameStart, Byte[] buf, Int32 off, Int32 end, ContentToken token) (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: A first chance exception was thrown (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: Exception of type 'xpnet.PartialTokenException' was thrown. (25/3/2558 13:13) [EXCEPTION]: at xpnet.Encoding.scanLt(Byte[] buf, Int32 off, Int32 end, ContentToken token) (25/3/2558 13:13) [LOG]: (25/3/2558 13:15) [EXCEPTION]: A first chance exception was thrown (25/3/2558 13:15) [EXCEPTION]: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (25/3/2558 13:15) [EXCEPTION]: at LegendaryClient.Logic.Client.d24.MoveNext() (25/3/2558 13:15) [EXCEPTION]: A first chance exception was thrown (25/3/2558 13:15) [EXCEPTION]: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (25/3/2558 13:15) [EXCEPTION]: at LegendaryClient.Logic.Client.d24.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.b5(Object state) (25/3/2558 13:15) [UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION]: An unhandled exception was thrown (25/3/2558 13:15) [UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION]: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. (25/3/2558 13:15) [UNHANDLEDEXCEPTION]: at LegendaryClient.Logic.Client.d24.MoveNext() --- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown --- at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore.b__5(Object state) at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.WaitCallback_Context(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem() at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() at System.Threading._ThreadPoolWaitCallback.PerformWaitCallback()

secretdataz commented 9 years ago
