SilentGhostX / HT-WPS-Breaker

HT-WPS Breaker (High Touch WPS Breaker)
712 stars 353 forks source link

aircrack-ng, airmon-ng commande not found #16

Open GitHubuu opened 8 years ago

GitHubuu commented 8 years ago

root@device:~/HT-WPS-Breaker-master# ./ ./ ligne 40 : [: != : opérateur unaire attendu

 |                                                                   |
 |   ██╗  ██╗████████╗   ██╗    ██╗██████╗ ███████╗ ██╗ ██╗ ██████╗  |
 |   ██║  ██║╚══██╔══╝   ██║    ██║██╔══██╗██╔════╝████████╗██╔══██╗ |
 |   ███████║   ██║█████╗██║ █╗ ██║██████╔╝███████╗╚██╔═██╔╝██████╔╝ |
 |   ██╔══██║   ██║╚════╝██║███╗██║██╔═══╝ ╚════██║████████╗██╔══██╗ |
 |   ██║  ██║   ██║      ╚███╔███╔╝██║     ███████║╚██╔═██╔╝██████╔╝ |
 |   ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝       ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚═╝     ╚══════╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝  |
 |                                                                   |
                      | High Touch WPS Breaker |
 |  ID  |                      Name                                  |
 | [01] | Enable The Monitor Mode .                                  |
 | [02] | Disable The Monitor Mode .                                 |
 | [03] | Back to menu .                                             |

 [!] Type the ID of your choice : 1

./ ligne 549: airmon-ng : commande introuvable

[+] Scanning for wireless devices ... ./ ligne 299: aircrack-ng : commande introuvable [+] We found 1 wireless device(s).

+----+--------------------------------------+ | ID | Interface | Chipset | +----+--------------------------------------+ [01]

Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device wlp2s0 ; Operation not supported. [ ok ] Mode Monitor is enabled . ./ ligne 388: airmon-ng : commande introuvable

(...) [!] Type the ID of your choice : 2 ./ ligne 549: airmon-ng : commande introuvable

[+] Scanning for wireless devices ... ./ ligne 299: aircrack-ng : commande introuvable [+] We found 1 wireless device(s).

+----+--------------------------------------+ | ID | Interface | Chipset | +----+--------------------------------------+ [01]

[+] Select number of wireless device to put into monitor mode [1-1]:

(...) [!] Type the ID of your choice : 3 ./ ligne 1468: airmon-ng : commande introuvable

[+] Scanning for wireless devices ... ./ ligne 299: aircrack-ng : commande introuvable [+] We found 1 wireless device(s).

+----+--------------------------------------+ | ID | Interface | Chipset | +----+--------------------------------------+ [01]

[+] Select number of wireless device to put into monitor mode [1-1]:

(...) [!] Type the ID of your choice : 4 ./ ligne 1550: airmon-ng : commande introuvable

[+] Scanning for wireless devices ... ./ ligne 299: aircrack-ng : commande introuvable [+] We found 1 wireless device(s).

(...) [!] Type the ID of your choice : 5 ./ ligne 549: airmon-ng : commande introuvable

[+] Scanning for wireless devices ... ./ ligne 299: aircrack-ng : commande introuvable [+] We found 1 wireless device(s).

(...) [!] Type the ID of your choice : 2 ./ ligne 1784: airmon-ng : commande introuvable

[!] Is no Monitor Mode to Disable .

 [ ok ] HT-WPS Breaker By Silent Ghost X.

             [+] Try again (Y)es or (N)o : 
alexanderadam commented 6 years ago

Well, it looks like you haven't installed the packages mentioned in the readme. If you have a Debian based distribution (ie Ubuntu) do a sudo apt install aircrack-ng