SimonbJohnson / quickX3

HXLDash. Create data visualisations quickly by leveraging the humanitarian exchange language
MIT License
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Development #84

Closed Rydela closed 4 years ago

Rydela commented 4 years ago

This is collection of commits made in the development branch. It includes moving filter to the last step of the dashboard creation process and adding Brazil admin 2 levels.

SimonbJohnson commented 4 years ago

Looks great Ryan, merging. Do you have a test data set for Brazil adm2?

fititnt commented 4 years ago

@SimonbJohnson this change is already on the ?

SimonbJohnson commented 4 years ago

No, not yet. I will update the server next week and ping when you it is done.

fititnt commented 4 years ago

One dateset that can already have all IBGE codes (both at city and state) can be found here (more specicaly this file A dashboard with cities can be found at

The field that contain the code is city_ibge_code, so it is likely to be just prefix BR + value of caso.csv city_ibge_code.

One practical problem of this dataset is that is somewhat big. The caso.csv uncompressed is 17.2MB since it does not only get the lastest case, it actually get past recent numbers of Covid cases, but the rows that are last have the field is_last = TRUE.

Also most of the columns already are in English, they just are not tagged with HXL tags.

SimonbJohnson commented 4 years ago

That's a great dataset. We can use the HXL Proxy to filter to just the latest values. I will see if we can set the cache time to 24 hours as well.

Edit: Ah the csv is compressed, so it isn't possible to pull from there directly