Opening a new buffer /tmp/test.jsx (or any other file type) and trying a snippet from vim-snippets shows the "multiple matches" selection dialog, even though it shows that both options are in fact coming from the same file, from the same line:
# vim /tmp/test.jsx
1: (rfc) "react functional component" (/home/silur/.vim/pack/vendor/start/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript_react.snippets:10)
2: (rfc) "react functional component" (/home/silur/.vim/pack/vendor/start/vim-snippets/UltiSnips/javascript_react.snippets:10)
Type number and <Enter> or click with the mouse (q or empty cancels):
Selecting either option will complete the snippet as usual.
Opening a new buffer
(or any other file type) and trying a snippet from vim-snippets shows the "multiple matches" selection dialog, even though it shows that both options are in fact coming from the same file, from the same line:Selecting either option will complete the snippet as usual.
Asciinema demonstration:
output of