Skamt / BDAddons

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Request feature for LazyLoadChannels #27

Open Miyuki-10 opened 7 months ago

Miyuki-10 commented 7 months ago

this betterdiscord plugin, i am requesting a feature, where i can click on a bottom to unload it so discord can perform faster, forexample navigating through many dms or discord server. for where the bottom should be placed, either at far down or at top somewhere.

forexample on big discord server, i had to restart my discord to even let me go anywhere because of performance and the loading, because there is so many ressource that it need to load.

Skamt commented 7 months ago

although this might seem to be related, it's actually not, the purpose of this plugin is to stop channels from loading automatically, it also prevents messages from being fetched, when you load a channel you can't undo the fetching part at least.

unloading a channel will you give close to nothing in performance because all you can do is release the memory held by all the messages, discord already does that when you switch between accounts, You can test that and see.

Miyuki-10 commented 7 months ago

although this might seem to be related, it's actually not, the purpose of this plugin is to stop channels from loading automatically, it also prevents messages from being fetched, when you load a channel you can't undo the fetching part at least.

unloading a channel will you give close to nothing in performance because all you can do is release the memory held by all the messages, discord already does that when you switch between accounts, You can test that and see.

ah ok it's because on specific discord server, if i load the channel, by discord is laggy and slow so i idk how to make discord normal again, apart from restart it, so it is not loaded the discord server channel.

Miyuki-10 commented 7 months ago

because i got powerful computer too, so i know it's not on the hardware i guess the server is just too big, it's just bots spamming ping and yeah loading images, videos, links from youtube and other 3rd party website which load into discord when it fetch the ressources. well idk. if you know a solution for this.

Skamt commented 7 months ago

I'm running BD with 9 plugins on a very low end PC and i never experience any lag, that's probably because I'm part of about 4 servers that are not too active.

So best guess you're a heavy discord user, If you have a lot of servers, a lot of DMs etc your discord is bound to be slow, maybe try to reduce those numbers.

Discord doesn't keep more than 200 messages cached per channel, so if you open a lot of channels sure that could contribute to it.

It would be very difficult for me to test the actual performance difference of this feature that is mainly why i probably won't add it

if you're using the new 64bit version try going back to 32bit

Miyuki-10 commented 7 months ago

I'm running BD with 9 plugins on a very low end PC and i never experience any lag, that's probably because I'm part of about 4 servers that are not too active.

So best guess you're a heavy discord user, If you have a lot of servers, a lot of DMs etc your discord is bound to be slow, maybe try to reduce those numbers.

Discord doesn't keep more than 200 messages cached per channel, so if you open a lot of channels sure that could contribute to it.

It would be very difficult for me to test the actual performance difference of this feature that is mainly why i probably won't add it

if you're using the new 64bit version try going back to 32bit

I am not big discord user. it's just 2 discord server. it's 1 guy who make their own site for osu! have bots for every single top scores in the game and skims and updates so it keep spam me. if i load it. it's prob over loading. if you know the game osu! and the person ck. yhen you know what i mean. rhythm game. record everyone best score in game. ping it also every skin and a lot more. every other big server i am fine.

Miyuki-10 commented 7 months ago

i didn't know there was a 64 bit version