Closed Witko closed 7 years ago
Sketchup-stl uses SKUI for its user interface. SKUI works only in WebDialogs and uses some Windows-libraries outside of the official SketchUp Ruby API. I see two possible causes of the problem:
Keep in mind SketchUp does not officially support Wine, which is odd, considering Wine is the only way to access SketchUp on one of the most important maker platforms.
Porting SKUI to HtmlDialog would circumvent the problem. Making a plain-old simple webdialog version of the UI would also help. As a work-around you can use the command line interface on the Ruby console:
CommunityExtensions::STL::Exporter.export("Z:/home/Witko/model.stl", Sketchup.active_model.active_entities, {'selection_only' => false, 'export_units' => 'Model Units', 'stl_format' => 'ASCII'})
Hi, thanks for response - it does work. Im trying to implement my own extension which would call this - is it possible? Im a bit stuck at the actual call - i cant see the error that happens. This is the code i have so far:
require 'sketchup'
require 'extensions'
require 'sketchup-stl'
module Examples
module StlExport
def self.export_stl
CommunityExtensions::STL::Exporter.export("Z:/tmp/model.stl", Sketchup.active_model.active_entities, {'selection_only' => false, 'export_units' => 'Model Units', 'stl_format' => 'ASCII'})
unless file_loaded?(__FILE__)
menu ='Plugins')
menu.add_item('Export STL') {
I guess its an import issue. Would you be so kind to point me to the right direction? Thanks!
Hmm, it seems it works. I was calling wrong ui item. i've just added require require 'sketchup-stl/exporter'
As of SketchUp 2018, a native STL importer/exporter is shipped with SketchUp.
Currently, after clicking export to stl a window is shown, but its blank. This prevents the usage of export completely.