SmartHome-yourself / sonoff-tx-ultimate-for-esphome

ESPHome Custom Component for Sonoff TX Ultimate
MIT License
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Move touch event to release event #6

Closed wardy277 closed 1 year ago

wardy277 commented 1 year ago

Firstly, thats for writing this config. I couldnt have done this without it. This is more of a suggestion and tell me if ive done this wrong "issue" rather than anything wrong with your config

I have noticed that the touch events for a single button are fired before a swipe event causing confusion on use. E.g if i swipe from left to right, the button press animation starts, then the swipe starts.

I have played around with you config and have managed to move the animations from on_press into on_release.

Effectively, on_press does nothing, and actions for led_on_touch is moved into handle_release. This might not be an issue with the default rainbow config, but I have a custom swipe left/right animation and split a led action between the 3 buttons and they were overlapping.

This basically, has the leds above the buttons turn on, but only if a press is detected. A swipe will run the swipe animation instead of running the touch events

Changes made

Remove on_press action

Add swipe animation to leds_top: (havnt figured out how to take the variable colors into this lambda)

      - addressable_lambda:
          name: "Scan Right"
          update_interval: 50ms
          lambda: |-
            static uint16_t progress = 0;
            static Color normal = Color(255, 65, 206);

            if (initial_run) {
              progress = 0;
              it.all() = Color::BLACK;
            else {
              //progress 1 led
              if (progress < it.size()) {
                it[progress] = normal;

              //When reach the end stop
              else {
      - addressable_lambda:
          name: "Scan LEFT"
          update_interval: 50ms
          lambda: |-
            static uint16_t progress = 0;
            static Color normal = Color(255, 65, 206);

            if (initial_run) {
              progress = 0;
              it.all() = Color::BLACK;
            else {
              //progress 1 led
              if (progress < it.size()) {
                it[it.size() - progress] = normal;
              //When reach the end stop
              else {

Added more led partitions for individual top buttons:

  - platform: partition
    id: leds_top_left
    internal: true
      - addressable_rainbow:
      - id: leds
        from: 20
        to: 22
  - platform: partition
    id: leds_top_middle
    internal: true
      - addressable_rainbow:
      - id: leds
        from: 22
        to: 24
  - platform: partition
    id: leds_top_right
    internal: true
      - addressable_rainbow:
      - id: leds
        from: 24
        to: 26

add to the top of handle_release "then" section:

      - if:
            lambda: "return pos <= 3;"
            - script.execute: button_left_touch
            - if:
                  lambda: "return pos <= 7;"
                  - script.execute: button_middle_touch
                  - script.execute: button_right_touch

New button scripts:

  - id: button_left_touch
    mode: restart
      - light.turn_on:
          id: leds_top_left
          brightness: ${touch_brightness}
          red: !lambda "return id(touch_color)[0]/100.0;"
          green: !lambda "return id(touch_color)[1]/100.0;"
          blue:  !lambda "return id(touch_color)[2]/100.0;"
          effect: ${touch_effect}

  - id: button_middle_touch
    mode: restart
      - light.turn_on:
          id: leds_top_middle
          brightness: ${touch_brightness}
          red: !lambda "return id(touch_color)[0]/100.0;"
          green: !lambda "return id(touch_color)[1]/100.0;"
          blue:  !lambda "return id(touch_color)[2]/100.0;"
          effect: ${touch_effect}

  - id: button_right_touch
    mode: restart
      - light.turn_on:
          id: leds_top_right
          brightness: ${touch_brightness}
          red: !lambda "return id(touch_color)[0]/100.0;"
          green: !lambda "return id(touch_color)[1]/100.0;"
          blue:  !lambda "return id(touch_color)[2]/100.0;"
          effect: ${touch_effect}