SmartManoj / Kevin

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[Bug]: out of the box the loading process is not ending #59

Open kevin-support-bot[bot] opened 5 days ago

kevin-support-bot[bot] commented 5 days ago Issue

@hemangjoshi37a Could you check the initialization status in the logs? (It may take upto ~3 minutes to initialize for the first time)

hemangjoshi37a commented 5 days ago
(myenv) hemang@hemang-levono-15arr:~$ sudo docker run -it --pull=always     -e     -e SANDBOX_USER_ID=$(id -u)     -e WORKSPACE_MOUNT_PATH=$WORKSPACE_BASE     -v $WORKSPACE_BASE:/opt/workspace_base     -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock     -p 3000:3000     --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway     --name openhands-app-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
latest: Pulling from all-hands-ai/openhands
Digest: sha256:02fe89753f51fec68082ad2466a45e669b458a38187666dc2bd3d7e49e8b6a4a
Status: Image is up to date for
Starting OpenHands...
Setting up enduser with id 1000
Docker socket group id: 997
Group with id 997 already exists
Running as enduser
INFO:     Started server process [36]
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO: - "GET /api/options/models HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
INFO: - "GET /api/options/agents HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
INFO: - "GET /api/options/security-analyzers HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
INFO:     ('', 48054) - "WebSocket /ws?token=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzaWQiOiI0MDU2OTkzMC1lN2QxLTRiYmUtODE4Ny0wZTUzY2JkYzgwZGQifQ.4kxorpdEkMgKLWYdCwN1rPqvCgn7iTZgem33pXxPh5k" [accepted]
09:23:42 - openhands:ERROR: - Invalid token
INFO:     connection open
INFO:     connection closed
INFO:     ('', 48058) - "WebSocket /ws" [accepted]
INFO:     connection open
09:23:45 - openhands:INFO: - Using security analyzer: 
09:23:45 - openhands:INFO: - Initializing runtime `eventstream` now...
09:23:45 - openhands:INFO: - Starting container with image: and name: openhands-sandbox-dfcafe28-2219-4619-830b-bf0c2c29be10_d4258b1e-4c93-4b1e-8a83-0e32b59059a0
09:23:46 - openhands:INFO: - Workspace Base: /opt/workspace_base
09:23:46 - openhands:INFO: - Mount dir: /home/hemang/workspace
09:23:46 - openhands:INFO: - Sandbox workspace: /workspace

here is the logs. there seems to be one error invalid token

hemangjoshi37a commented 5 days ago

even after solid 15 minutes it still is initializing

SmartManoj commented 5 days ago

Could you run using the development guide and check if the issue still persist?

hemangjoshi37a commented 5 days ago

ok sorry but now it is working out of no where . i just got the beep sound from background and it started. i hope there is some indication about this that the software is loading and there should be some verbose information about this so that the user can know if anything is happening in the process or not . we are linux people not windows so verbose is always good remember that .

hemangjoshi37a commented 5 days ago


I see this in output but the file is not created in the /tmp folder where it should be there as it is said in the terminal .


here you can see in my temp folder there is no such file . (consider i have sorted files using time so the latest file should appear at the top)

SmartManoj commented 5 days ago

Seems it was stuck at

SmartManoj commented 5 days ago

but the file is not created in the /tmp folder

/tmp in the container.

hemangjoshi37a commented 5 days ago

how to go to that container forlder ? where is it located ?

hemangjoshi37a commented 5 days ago

also in the browser panel we can not edit the address bar and enter custom url which is what we want to see how the developed webpage is looking . is there any way to do this ?

SmartManoj commented 5 days ago

move /tmp files to /workspace in the UI terminal Then it will be in /home/hemang/workspace

It should create those in the workspace only.

hemangjoshi37a commented 5 days ago


ok successfully located the file that i uploaded to workplace but there is not /tmp folder .

move /tmp files to /workspace in the UI terminal Then it will be in /home/hemang/workspace

It should create those in the workspace only.

also how to move this /tmp files to /workplace ? because the terminal inside the openhands is not working . i can not run mv or cp command there

SmartManoj commented 5 days ago

For editable URL, may help you.

SmartManoj commented 5 days ago

also how to move this /tmp files to /workplace ? because the terminal inside the openhands is not working . i can not run mv or cp command there

you can do it in the docker desktop terminal too.

hemangjoshi37a commented 5 days ago

For editable URL, All-Hands-AI#3078 may help you.

if you are contributor to this project why are you not making this url editable by default ?

SmartManoj commented 5 days ago

I merged in this fork.

tobitege commented 5 days ago

@hemangjoshi37a you should not post images with that data for privacy reasons, fyi.

hemangjoshi37a commented 5 days ago

@tobitege bro i am poor. LOL. Nobody can take anything from me. jokes aside when we are working for opensource then we have to be really opensource that's what i believe.