SmartRSS / Smart-RSS

RSS extension
MIT License
114 stars 16 forks source link

Smart RSS extension

Originally developed for Opera 15+ by BS-Harou (Martin Kadlec)

Translations are in scripts/nls/*.js

For technical bug reports use issues here on GitHub

For users

Extension is available in following repositories:


Chrome Web Store:

If you encounter issue with a specific feed for best results please back up and include current state of that feed in your report, this will be helpful in case the feed changes before I get to check it, thanks in advance

Known issues:

For developers

If you are interested in improving Smart RSS then there are few tips to get started.

First of all you will need several command line tools:

To setup your Smart RSS project open your console, go to your projects folders and type:

git clone smartrss
cd smartrss
npm install

Sometimes you may encounter texts ending with * or ! in app, first ones are fallbacks to English text when used locale lacks the needed one and the latter are actual keys displayed when even English text is missing, feel free to submit PR's to fill them. If you change wording or punctuation somewhere please comment that line (using GitHub interface) with reasoning like common conventions or special punctuation rules in given language.

To check for jshint errors:

jshint .

There are multiple grunt tasks defined for this project but only few are meant to be run directly:

grunt prepare

copies relevant source files to browser specific directories within dist subdirectory and cleans up manifests from values not needed by the given browser.

grunt watch

watches for changes in src directory and performs prepare every time it detects one

grunt release:{level=patch}

is all-in-one solution for releasing new versions of the extension