Easy-to-use Arduino library for interfacing an ESP 32 with Bluetooth LE mobile device notifications.
This library is designed to follow the standard Arduino library style, and be as easy to use and clear as possible for non-programmers (i.e. no lambda functions, threads, new C++ language features, etc.)
You need to install the ESP32 core libraries. If you are getting build errors, it's possible you have an old version of the core libraries without BLE support. The install instructions for your specific OS are here: https://github.com/espressif/arduino-esp32
From Arduino IDE, go to menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Manage Libraries... In Library Manager Window, search "ANCS" in the search form then select "ESP32 BLE ANCS Notifications" Click "Install" button.
Download zip file from this repository by selecting the green "Code" dropdown at the top of repository, select "Download ZIP" From Arduino IDE, select menu Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library...
Or use git:
cd ~/arduino/libraries/
git clone git@github.com:Smartphone-Companions/ESP32-ANCS-Notifications.git
Then you should see the examples and be able to include the library in your projects with:
#include "esp32notifications.h"
This works like a standard Arduino library. Here's a minimal example:
// Create an interface to the BLE notification library at the top of your sketch
BLENotifications notifications;
// Start looking for a device connection
notifications.begin("BLEConnection device name");
// This callback will be called when a Bluetooth LE connection is made or broken.
// You can update the ESP 32's UI or take other action here.
void onBLEStateChanged(BLENotifications::State state) {
switch(state) {
case BLENotifications::StateConnected:
Serial.println("StateConnected - connected to a phone or tablet");
case BLENotifications::StateDisconnected:
Serial.println("StateDisconnected - disconnected from a phone or tablet");
// Setup a callback for when a notification arrives
void onNotificationArrived(const ArduinoNotification * notification, Notification * rawData) {
// Register the callback to be informed when a notification arrives
Note that the Espressif BLE libraries are very large, so you may need to increase your partition scheme to "Large" in the Arduino IDE.
See the ble_connection example for a more fully-featured example.
Based on the work of CarWatch, Hackwatch, and S-March. This project was created to hide the complicated BLE notification internals behind a standard, easy-to-use Arduino library.
To see a real-world project, https://github.com/jhud/hackwatch uses this library.