Closed Sniffdog closed 6 years ago
What is the upside to Hashsynminer vs sniffdog? I have been working on tweaking sniffdogminer but its had to get a solid benchmark when mining to different pools. Do you know of any write ups explaining how to read the hashrate charts on these different pools to understand if a specific algorithm is worth running on that pool and if the auto difficulty setting is putting you in a the sweet spot for mining? Having a hard time finding much information about these topics.
That is why we leave it to the individual...(here comes a metaphor) lol
It's like being in room at a certain temperature.... half the people find the temperature to be to hot.... while the other half feels like the room is to cold....
If we actually mention a proper setting for a particular algo... there will always be others that will disagree..
Does that make sense?
Hashsynminer splits your rig up so you can add individual settings to each card or (pairs of cards)... it really comes at a time when we are all finding it hard to buy from vendors the exact same card for the entire rig (one setting). We mostly use Hashsynminer for the multiple accounts cause some of our clients can't afford a full 8 card 1080ti rig
Ya I completely agree all settings are different even for the "same" cards. I'm not looking for a someone to tell me a specific number for difficulty, or interval times, algo's for certain pools, etc. I'm just trying to learn as much as I can and it seems for multi algo switching / pool switching miners, being able to decipher information from logs and pool graphs is vital.
All I can say is try it out when you have time (and I mean a lot of time... there is a lot of unpacking and setting up for Hashsynminer if your going to individual cards)... tested on a 6 card rig....right now I have two clients so only have this particular rig split in half equally after the testing (3 each) so I only needed two strings of the hashsynminer_start.bat
EDIT: oh and you have to stay there and allow porting options for benching
this is a beast...
I'm having problems getting it to work - Can someone help me ?
I've been mining zcash for quite some time now, but wanted to check this out - The problem is, I'm not receiving anything, so I guess that I made some mistake while setting it up. Also, I'm not seeing my worker on multipool, nor have I received anything on my wallet.
Would you mind posting your command line?
Sure, just tell me what exactly to post.
powershell -version 5.0 -noexit -executionpolicy bypass -windowstyle maximized -command "&.\SniffDog.ps1 -Username space -Workername worker1 -RigName space.rig -Currency USD -Passwordcurrency BTC -interval 90 -Delay 1 -Wallet 1PyAgUR7ZR6DPgF8KupeYfGX6WeFHS3vVn -Location US -PoolName zpool,Hashrefinery,MPH,ahashpool -Type nvidia,cpu -Algorithm phi,hsr,xevan,tribus,c11,lbry,skein,equihash,groestl,sib,bitcore,blakecoin,Nist5,MyriadGroestl,Lyra2RE2,neoscrypt,skunk,keccak,x11evo,veltor,blake2s,x17,lyra2z,timetravel,polytimos,ethash,yescrypt,m7m -Donate 5
What's the longest time period you have let the miner run without any change in your balance?
12h exactly, since last last night - Woke up this morning, and found nothing, so yeah .. Any ideas ? Should I be seeing worker on multipool, and if so, how long after I started miner ?
@spacebarrier i need more info..screenshot of sniffdog running and your startsniffin.bat(without your info or course just need to see your settings)
@kingyem not sure what you are saying... hopefully you can see sniffdog working at the pool wallets..
@Sniffdog was asking for more info for the issue he is having :) at the start of the conversation, no info was presented
myself, everything is working fine
Hashsynminer has been released!
Happy Mining!