Sniki / Lenovo-Thinkpad-T440P-Clover

Lenovo ThinkPad T440P
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Buggy Battery Status #1

Closed ameeno closed 4 years ago

ameeno commented 5 years ago

Hi Snikii,

I have waited for updates from you for your t440p.aml.

My battery stats do not work with this, do you know why?

Sniki commented 5 years ago

Hi @ameeno Im in the process of updating the entire projects for all these ThinkPads, i do have now a Lenovo ThinkPad X240 and i found these problems for myself as well. I did Re-Patch everything from scratch and it's working flawless. New files should be up this week, i'll let you know here as soon as i update them.

Sniki commented 5 years ago

@ameeno Project files have been updated. Give them a try, they should work ok now after commit 984d718 Let me know if it has been fixed

ameeno commented 5 years ago

Thanks pal, I will give it a go and tell you my findings.

Also, the combined T440p AML file incorporates all the hotfix patches yes?

Sniki commented 5 years ago

Thanks pal, I will give it a go and tell you my findings.

Also, the combined T440p AML file incorporates all the hotfix patches yes?

Which hotfix patches are you refering to ? if you mean: is the SSDT-T440P.aml compiled with all new changes, answer is yes. just take the SSDT-T440P.aml and config.plist and new alc_fix

BTW now you don't need AppleBacklightFixup nor SSDT-PNLF Brightness Control works natively with WhateverGreen.kext and Clover /DSDT/Fixes/AddPNLF and /Devices/ SetIntelBacklight and SetMaxIntelBacklight Also SSDT-ALS0 has been removed as Brightness levels save correctly after reboot with WhateverGreen.kext.

ALC_FIX v2 has been added, update just the ALCPlugFix binary file and now static noise should be gone that it used to happen randomly.

Make sure you use the new config.plist with the new SSDT-T440P.aml to have all the latest changes working correctly.

Refer to the commit 984d718

ameeno commented 5 years ago

Well, I have attached my complete Clover DIR based around your config/boot mods.

there are some mods based on my WifiCard (DW1820A) and a different theme, but otherwise its exactly like your recomendations. Am i using the correct kexts?

ameeno commented 5 years ago

Also Sniikii, I think there may be a bug with your USB patches, as my bluetooth is not showing up at all now with your boot configs & it seems related to bluetooth not being connected to my USB.


Please see this boot pack i used previously where everything was working. before. DO you spot any thing thats substantually different that would stop the bluetooth from working??

Sniki commented 5 years ago

Well, I have attached my complete Clover DIR based around your config/boot mods.

there are some mods based on my WifiCard (DW1820A) and a different theme, but otherwise its exactly like your recomendations. Am i using the correct kexts?

So is battery status working ok now or it's still buggy ?

Personally i do use VirtualSMC.kext + SMCBatteryManager.kext + SMCProcessor.kext + SMCSuperIO.kext instead of the FakeSMC + Plugins and ACPI BatteryManager.kext. Keep in mind that you need to remove SMCHelper-64.efi from Drivers folder and add VirtualSMC.efi

USB Ports are already configured within SSDT-T440P.aml and you only need USBInjectAll.kext for USB Ports, that's why your bluetooth stopped working.

So in short words let me write you all the kexts that you need:

Try removing all of them from Library/Extensions and leave them only on EFI/Clover/kexts/Other folder

as for UEFI drivers, everything seems fine, just replace SMCHelper.efi with VirtualSMC.efi

Try these changes and let me know how it works for you.

Update: BTW what version of macOS are you currently running ?

ameeno commented 5 years ago

Hi Snikii, I am using the latest Mojave 10.14.6 cumulitive update 2.

So I switched to virtualSMC, However i didnt need AirportFixup so skipped that.

One issue i am having is the Battery life is REALLY POOR on this build. i can see the battery indicater now but it is lowing 1% every 2 mins. which is half the battery life on linux/windows.

Secondly, the voodoops2 controller you have included does not give me any right click on button OR clickpad (I have a t450 trackpad)

the attached kext is better for me. but still the touchpad is a bit slugish.

ameeno commented 5 years ago

This screenshot is my current kext setup

Screenshot 2019-08-12 at 22 12 49
Sniki commented 5 years ago

Hi Snikii, I am using the latest Mojave 10.14.6 cumulitive update 2.

So I switched to virtualSMC, However i didnt need AirportFixup so skipped that.

One issue i am having is the Battery life is REALLY POOR on this build. i can see the battery indicater now but it is lowing 1% every 2 mins. which is half the battery life on linux/windows.

Secondly, the voodoops2 controller you have included does not give me any right click on button OR clickpad (I have a t450 trackpad)

the attached kext is better for me. but still the touchpad is a bit slugish.

Can you attach "Problem Reporting" files ?

Problem Reporting ​ It is impossible to diagnose a problem without data that shows how your system is configured.

Also, impossible to analyze any data that you might provide without a clear understanding of your hardware. So make sure your profile is filled as per the first question in this FAQ, "Q. Where do I start?".

If you can't boot, a bare minimum is:

  • Boot verbose, attach photo
  • Attach EFI/Clover folder as ZIP (press F2 then F4 at main Clover screen just before collecting). Please eliminate 'themes' directory. Provide only EFI/Clover, not the entire EFI folder.

Note: Some Keyboards swap Fn+Fx for Fx. For those Keyboards, press Fn+F2 then Fn+F4. If you're not sure, press F2, then F4, then Fn+F2, then Fn+F4. You can also verify by pressing F1 (or Fn+F1) to see which one brings the menu.

If you can boot, but are having some other problem, describe the problem clearly and provide data...

Download patchmatic: Extract the 'patchmatic' binary from the ZIP. Copy it to /usr/bin, such that you have the binary at /usr/bin/patchmatic.

In terminal, Code: if [ -d ~/Downloads/RehabMan ]; then rm -R ~/Downloads/RehabMan; fi mkdir ~/Downloads/RehabMan cd ~/Downloads/RehabMan patchmatic -extract Note: It is easier if you use copy/paste instead of typing the commands manually.

Attach contents of Downloads/RehabMan directory as ZIP.

Attach ioreg as ZIP: Please, use the IORegistryExplorer v2.1 attached to the post! DO NOT reply with an ioreg from any other version of

Provide output (in Terminal): Code: kextstat|grep -y acpiplat kextstat|grep -y appleintelcpu kextstat|grep -y applelpc kextstat|grep -y applehda ls -l /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext/Contents/Resources/.zml pmset -g assertions pmset -g system_profiler SPSerialATADataType|grep TRIM Attach EFI/Clover folder as ZIP (press F2 then F4 at main Clover screen just before collecting). Please eliminate 'themes' directory. Provide only EFI/Clover, not the entire EFI folder.

Note: Some Keyboards swap Fn+Fx for Fx. For those Keyboards, press Fn+F2 then Fn+F4. If you're not sure, press F2, then F4, then Fn+F2, then Fn+F4. You can also verify by pressing F1 (or Fn+F1) to see which one brings the menu.

For 10.11 and later, attach output of (in Terminal): Code: sudo kextcache -i / Older versions: Code: sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions && sudo kextcache -u / Compress all files as ZIP. Do not use external links. Attach all files using site attachments only.

Q. Is there a script that will collect all Problem Reporting data automatically?​

Yes! (almost)

User @black.dragon74 has created a script ( that automates most of the "Problem Reporting" tasks (as described in the previous question).

The part it cannot do is pressing F2 and F4 for you at the main Clover screen. And of course, it only works for the case you can boot into your system. If you have a problem booting, you must obtain and collect the verbose boot photo manually (and EFI/Clover).

Full details are here:

That way i can analyze where the issue is and if everything is working accordingly. So you are saying that only with my files battery life is poor, otherwise with your files it was fine right ?

No for VoodooPS2Controller i just added that kext as a personal archive. That one works excellent with standard Touchpad that comes with these laptops, not the upgraded one.

I see that you adjusted some of the values to improve the experience on the TouchPad from your repository

ameeno commented 5 years ago

Hi Snikii, yep thats right, Your files + virtualSMC and kext list caused battery to nosedive (also see the comment on the mouse trackpad with your kext not right clicking)

I managed to fix the battery by reverting to ACPI manager, but this caused an extended boot time (like 4 minutes on apple logo) to get to desktop with virtualSMC.

So i have settled with this boot pack which is a blend of your config, your ssdt-t440p.aml

FakeSMC and a different Mouse/trackpad Kext.

The AHCI kexts are only required if using the ultrabay hard sata hard drive as otherwise it shows up as external.

Please see this bootpack I have attached, I am really happy with how it is working now.

CLOVER perfect-10.14.6-withbattery

I will work on using your pack + problem reporting files tomorrow OK?

Sniki commented 5 years ago

Ok so according to you the problem is just on the VirtualSMC kexts. After reverting to FakeSMC and ACPIBaterryManager you got it resolved right ?

TrackPad like i mentioned was not that kext on my repo, Rehabman VoodooPS2Controller is required for working TrackPad (ClickPad - Physical Buttons) and trackpoint.

No problem, whenever you find time for it.

ameeno commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have been trying itt for a few days, and FakeSMC certainly works better than virtualSMC for me.

Sniki commented 5 years ago

Hello, I have been trying itt for a few days, and FakeSMC certainly works better than virtualSMC for me.

So what is working better in general with FakeSMC ? I need to know because i want to find out if it is an issue on my side or just the kext itself, that's why i asked to provide a Problem Reporting log with the script to find out why it doesn't work ok with VirtualSMC.kext. So my request is: List what works better with fakeSMC compared to virtualSMC ? Can you list what do you change on SSDT-T440P.aml and config.plist aside from your wireless card stuff,touchpad values and your smbios values ofc ?

Also for AHCI, that can be solved with config.plist/Devices/Properties, find the location of ultrabay PCIPort with hackintool and it will show like the name of harddrive or ssd, then you simply add that device property and set "Internal" value and you can drop the kext as the patch itself will do the work of the kext. Hackintool will detect the internal state itself, you just add it in config.pliat and ykh can remove the kext.

Thanks, Sniki

ameeno commented 5 years ago

This is with VirtualSMC without ACPIBatteryManager.kext:

This is with FakeSMC+ACPIBatteryManager.kext:

I am finding the Battery life reporting on VirtualSMC is broken & I found battery life to be worse.

I have tried Intel Power Gadget and noticed: on VSMC the GFX sticks to .80 (On fakesmc it goes down to (0.55) also vsmc seems to have a higher frequency of cpu and more voltage for dram, so runs hotter)

this could be related to battery life reduction?

Hope this helps, what do the error reports show you?

Sniki commented 5 years ago

@ameeno give the new files a try. I didn't have time to analyse the files you attached but doesn't honestly matter that much which one you use, weird i don't see such difference on my laptops.

Get the new files as the update is substantial and huge cleanup, it should definitely work much better, you can check the commits to see the big chunk of bloat removed.

Let me know if your battery problem is solved completely

Also a sidenote: im leaving the System untouched and only have kexts on EFI/Clover/Kexts/Other, not a single one on L/E

ameeno commented 5 years ago

Hey Buddy,

Just some [preliminary feedback] for the new changes.

I updated my clover with your latest AML file, and kexts's and clover.plist

I also updated all my kexts to the latest versions of Weg, Lilu, Alc ect, and also clover to the latest version 5070.

Good thing i kept a backup because the graphics became really buggy and strange with this build, I tried with fakesmc + sensors and also vSMC + sensors, remembering to switch the drivers too.

It just super super Buggy on my system with graphical glitches, graphical tearing and it is most pronounced when using clover configurator.

So i basically reverted to my previous bootpack.

Not sure what the bugs could be but looking forward to assist you in improving the mods

Sniki commented 4 years ago

Sorry @ameeno It was a regression accidentally done by me. I accidentally removed "framebuffer-patch-enable" IGPU property which was the cause of the problem.

I updated the files again (also rebuilt SSDT-T440P and config.plist with latest changes)

Also i had uploaded the wrong SSDT-LED which WAK was aborting, now it's fixed.

Give those a try and let me know how it goes.

Thanks for the feedback.

@ameeno For whatever reason it still doesn't work with latest changes, Add back SSDT-XOSI and the OSI to XOSI rename and you shouldn't have any problem at all.

Sniki commented 4 years ago

Closing, Battery problem resolved.

For any other bug, we can open another issue.


ameeno commented 4 years ago

sorry I didnt reply, I have not really used t440p hackintosh for ages, (now on Ubuntu)

Although i'm trying recently to switch over to Open core. please see the attached zip.

this is working brilliantly for clover however i get weird bugs when using opencore. have you tried opencore at all?