Snorby / snorby

Ruby On Rails Application For Network Security Monitoring
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Snorby is a ruby on rails web application for network security monitoring that interfaces with current popular intrusion detection systems (Snort, Suricata and Sagan). The basic fundamental concepts behind Snorby are simplicity, organization and power. The project goal is to create a free, open source and highly competitive application for network monitoring for both private and enterprise use.



Ubuntu 18.04 >

apt-get install ruby-graphviz ruby-dev ruby ruby-bundler rake ruby-rails 

gem install rubygems-bundler

gem install rbundler -v 1.16.1

gem install bundler -v 1.16.1

`$ bundle install`

* NOTE: If you get missing gem issues in production use `bundle install --path vendor/cache`

* If your system gems are updated beyond the gemfile.lock you should use as an example `bundle exec rake snorby:setup` 

* If running `bundle exec {app}` is painful you can safely install binstubs by `bundle install --binstubs` 

Updating Snorby

In the root Snorby directory type the following command:

`git pull origin master`

Once the pull has competed successfully run the Snorby update rake task:

`rake snorby:update`

Helpful Commands

You can open the rails console at anytime and interact with the Snorby environment. Below are a few helpful commands that may be useful:

Snorby Worker

Snorby::Worker.stop      # Stop The Snorby Worker
Snorby::Worker.start     # Start The Snorby Worker
Snorby::Worker.restart   # Restart The Snorby Worker

Snorby Cache Jobs

# This will manually run the sensor cache job - pass true or false for verbose output`

# This will manually run the daily cache job - once again passing true or false for verbose output

# Clear All Snorby Cache - You must pass true to this method call for confirmation.

# If the Snorby worker is running this will start the cache jobs and set the run_at time for the current time.


Please refer to the LICENSE file found in the root of the snorby project.