SoCuul / SCInsta

A feature-rich tweak for Instagram on iOS!
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bug: Issue encountered while creating an IPA file for a tweak (SCInsta) #97

Closed db5x007 closed 1 month ago

db5x007 commented 2 months ago

I’m facing an issue during the creation of an IPA file for my tweak SCInsta. The build pipeline runs smoothly up to the final step of generating the IPA file, but it fails with the following error:

Creating the IPA file...
[*] extracting ipa..
[!] not a zip/ipa file
[*] deleting temporary directory..
Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

Issue Details: All dependencies are installed correctly using pip and ipsw. The compilation of various components and files for the tweak (including libsciFLEX, SCInsta, and their dependencies) completes without major errors, although I do receive warnings about obsolete linking options (ld: warning: -multiply_defined is obsolete). During the IPA creation stage, the script attempts to extract the generated IPA file but encounters an error saying that the file is neither a valid ZIP nor an IPA file. The script then deletes the temporary directory and exits with code 1. Additional Context: I suspect the issue occurs when trying to extract the IPA, as it seems the generated file is either in the wrong format or is corrupt. There might be an issue with how the IPA is being built or signed before the extraction step.

My Question: Are there any known reasons why an IPA file might not be generated correctly at this stage? What troubleshooting steps can I take to verify the validity of the IPA file before extraction? Any help to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!

SoCuul commented 2 months ago

Did you make sure that the ipa is placed inside the packages folder with the name "com.burbn.instagram"?

db5x007 commented 2 months ago

yes, this is my log for "Prepare Instagram IPA" :

2024-10-02T11:49:31.6477920Z ##[group]Run cd main
2024-10-02T11:49:31.6478250Z cd main
2024-10-02T11:49:31.6478780Z mkdir -p packages
2024-10-02T11:49:31.6479230Z wget "$Instagram_URL" --no-verbose -O packages/com.burbn.instagram.ipa
2024-10-02T11:49:31.6480090Z ls -la packages
2024-10-02T11:49:31.6580210Z shell: /bin/bash -e {0}
2024-10-02T11:49:31.6580590Z env:
2024-10-02T11:49:31.6580870Z   THEOS: /Users/runner/work/SCInsta/SCInsta/theos
2024-10-02T11:49:31.6581470Z   Instagram_URL:
2024-10-02T11:49:31.6582060Z ##[endgroup]
2024-10-02T11:49:32.1257990Z 2024-10-02 11:49:32 URL: [2435/2435] -> "packages/com.burbn.instagram.ipa" [1]
2024-10-02T11:49:32.1275880Z total 8
2024-10-02T11:49:32.1377060Z drwxr-xr-x   3 runner  staff    96 Oct  2 11:49 .
2024-10-02T11:49:32.1413390Z drwxr-xr-x  17 runner  staff   544 Oct  2 11:49 ..
2024-10-02T11:49:32.1414190Z -rw-r--r--   1 runner  staff  2435 Oct  2 11:49 com.burbn.instagram.ipa
CodingForAddicts commented 1 month ago

I have the same error

SoCuul commented 1 month ago

Please take a look at this and see if it's able to fix your problem

Crifzer commented 1 month ago

For anybody who has this problem, this is because the download link isn't good. Try using dropbox (Convert the end of the link to a "1" instead of a "0" to make it a direct download link)

db5x007 commented 1 month ago

Dropbox works ! Thanks