SoSly / ArcaneAdditions

A wealth of new magical mysteries for the Mana and Artifice mod.
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Error when opening a loot chest voids its contents. #107

Open WindFox opened 1 month ago

WindFox commented 1 month ago

Sometimes when I open a loot chest with is mod installed, I get the following error in the log:

Failed to handle packet, suppressing error
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.mna.spells.crafting.ModifiedSpellPart.getPart()" because the return value of "com.mna.spells.crafting.SpellRecipe.getShape()" is null
    at com.mna.items.sorcery.ItemStaff.buildRandomSpellStaff( ~[mna-forge-1.20.1-!/:] {re:classloading}
    at com.mna.loot.RandomSpellStaff.m_7372_( ~[mna-forge-1.20.1-!/:] {re:classloading}

While it doesn't crash, it prevents the box from opening the first time. When I try again, the box is now empty, losing any other loot that might have been in it.

I can replicate this with just MNA and this mod.