SoftDev4Research / 4OSS-lesson

The overall aim of these 4OSS in the shape of training materials will contribute to make research software FAIR.
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REC1: README section (minor fixes) #64

Closed fpsom closed 5 years ago

fpsom commented 5 years ago

Take a look at the file in the repository that you created in the introduction

  • automatically displayed on the front page of your repository
  • project name and subheading emphasised by default, using Markdown syntax
  • italics, bold, link, list

The list seems a bit disconnected (especially the last bullet point). I think it could be removed and replaced with a link to the Markdown cheatsheet.

read more about Markdown here:

Replace/add the full URL with a clickable URL.

as well as the README & LICENSE .md files

Should be "In addition to the README & LICENSE .md files Also, in the same list maybe start each bullet point with a capital letter (plus update the link in bullet point 2 with a clickable version).