SoftInstigate / restheart

Rapid API Development with MongoDB
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Memory error in aggregations #292

Closed marcelinhov2 closed 6 years ago

marcelinhov2 commented 6 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to make an aggregation but the api is returning this error: Exceeded memory limit for $group, but didn't allow external sort. Pass allowDiskUse:true to opt in.

I already tried to pass this allowDiskUse property but I got no success. Someone already solve it?


mkjsix commented 6 years ago

@marcelinhov2 unfortunately I don't think we handle that case at all.

@ujibang I guess we need to decide how to pass the allowDiskUse parameter dynamically, in terms of the present API design for aggregations. The Mongodb's Javascript API uses the db.collection.aggregate(pipeline, options) while I checked the code at org.restheart.handlers.aggregation.GetAggregationHandler and that parameter should be passed explicitly, by the Java fluent API as AggregateIterable.allowDiskUse(true)

Present code fragment:

                case AGGREGATION_PIPELINE:
                    AggregateIterable<BsonDocument> agrOutput;
                    AggregationPipeline pipeline = (AggregationPipeline) query;
                    try {
                        agrOutput = getDatabase()
                                .maxTime(Bootstrapper.getConfiguration().getAggregationTimeLimit(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);


ujibang commented 6 years ago


I just added allowDiskUse option to the aggregation definition in commit d84b84a8b970559f141dab040730503315d8d650


    "uri": "/test",
    "allowDiskUse": true,
    "stages": [

@marcelinhov2 can you please test it in you use case?

marcelinhov2 commented 6 years ago

It's updated at your docker image already?

marcelinhov2 commented 6 years ago

@ujibang I redeployed my restheart API using your original docker image but it didn't take any effect. I'm still getting the error.


marcelinhov2 commented 6 years ago

I deployed again using the image softinstigate/restheart:3.4.0-SNAPSHOT and, apparently, it worked.

mkjsix commented 6 years ago

The image is built automatically. Did you pull the very latest image? I suggest to even delete the docker image locally and then pull it again, to be sure it's not using the locally cached image.

mkjsix commented 6 years ago

Yes, softinstigate/restheart:3.4.0-SNAPSHOT is the latest build

ujibang commented 6 years ago

I added allowDiskUse reference to documentation page

marcelinhov2 commented 6 years ago

Great job guys, thank you so much