SolidLabResearch / Challenges

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SolidLab Challenges

This repository contains challenges that can be tackled during SolidLab. Each challenge is represented by a separate issue. Everybody is free to add new challenges using the provided template that you select when creating a new issue. This template helps you with providing the needed information for a challenge.

Please read all instructions on how to manage challenges.

The Working Group 1 (Use Cases) of the Outreach component of SolidLab will create different use cases. You find the steps that you need to follow to turn these use cases into challenges via scenarios here.

Once a scenario or challenge is completed, we write a report. You find all reports here.

Useful links

Lint markdown

We use a linter to make sure that the markdown is correctly and consistently formatted. Follow these steps to run the linter:

  1. Install dependencies via

    npm i
  2. Run the linter via

    npm run lint

We can fix some errors automatically via

npm run lint:fix