Somfy-Developer / Somfy-TaHoma-Developer-Mode

A collection of requests to use a local API with Somfy TaHoma gateways
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Question: How does the body look like to Execute an action group #57

Closed diethmar closed 2 years ago

diethmar commented 2 years ago

Hi all

I do like to use the new local api on Somfy TaHome. Therefore I did manage to activate the developer mode, got the authentication and received a token. I'm also able to receive a list of all the devices in my home. So far so good. But what I'm not able to manage is to execute something. I did follow the swagger documentation and did try to execute on Postman. Unfortunately something seems to be wrong. Could anyone please provide an example of a correct body for the POST Request to execute an action group? Or how can I bring a single device to a new position? Many thanks.

diethmar commented 2 years ago

Found it 👍

               "parameters": []