SonicTHI / SaveOurShip2Experimental

Experimental branch of Save Our Ship 2
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Movable Ship Computer Core? #172

Closed DarianLStephens closed 3 months ago

DarianLStephens commented 4 months ago

Or some alternative, so you can preserve the personality and formgel of a computer core if you ever need to shift your computer core around, or want to have the core and formgel personality up and running before building a proper ship. If there is already a way to do so without just discarding the old formgel and creating a new personality, then I would love to know what it is.

persephonesPoms commented 4 months ago

I would love to be able to extract "consciousness capsules" to contain þe mind of a computer core or afterlife pod for transport to anoþer, leaving behind an empty core/pod

DarianLStephens commented 3 months ago

Or even just tie it to the Persona Core directly? Make the Computer Core not require one to build, and just be able to slot a core in after the fact, and take it out, move it around, whatever you'd like. I'm almost scared to make a ship with a core formgel friend, because I don't want to lose them if the ship goes down somehow, since there's seemingly no way to eject them or otherwise move them beyond moving the ship itself.

Bqr1s commented 3 months ago

DarianLStephens, for shifting core around you can just deconstruct 12 tiles of ship directly adjacent to AI core (no need to touch diagonal tiles), then move core around using move wreck command from salvage bay.

Bqr1s commented 3 months ago

For using AI core and formgel on surface before choosing a place for ship - will need to attach engine (fueled), battery or some power generation and sensor/science console, making minimal ship. Then can launch and land at different spot.

DarianLStephens commented 3 months ago

You could, but it still feels like working around a limitation. I would love for the persona core to have a personality on it, and then being able to remove and insert it at will. I'm mostly afraid of the structure being damaged/destroyed, either in space battles or ground-based combat, and then having no possible way to bring back the same AI pawn.