Sora3100 / Tales_of_Cheat_Tables

Various cheat tables for the "Tales of" franchise
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Graces crash upon arte edit #73

Closed LeonTrifang closed 7 months ago

LeonTrifang commented 7 months ago

When I edit Malik's B artes by adding Sophie's first aid, it doesn't crash the game and he can use it just fine, but the second I go into his arte list in game, it crashes. Any fix for this or such? Can the game just not register that spell on that character? Also when giving them their own spells it's fine, also using Fairy Circle on Malik crashed the game. Is the game just coded harder than the others and doesn't like this type of stuff and can't register it?

Sora3100 commented 7 months ago

I am unsure, it doesn't crash if you don't directly hover over it though. I assume in the case of using it something doesn't exist for Malik specifically and the game doesn't like it.

LeonTrifang commented 7 months ago

It seems to just happen when you add an arte that they shouldn't have for any character. I tested it on Hubert too, but Hubert can use some that Malik can't like Fairy Circle. I can just not open the arte menu for them, sorry to bother you again, but is a title editor possible too? That way I can teach them the arte and have them use it even if I switch characters. If not then no worries. I'll just close the issue and move onto Abyss lol sorry for being so active and pushy.

Sora3100 commented 7 months ago

I've tried it and unfortunately it doesn't seem to add the arte to their pool

I assume that they have some character check per title

LeonTrifang commented 7 months ago

Well, it makes sense. I assume you'd have to dive deep into the files to do that, but hey you've done a lot already with all we have. I tried Abyss, but the game straight crashes on spell use even for Asch who has a spell animation haha so Graces and Xillia 2 work for what I want.

Oh! Sorry one final things and I'll leave you alone, When adding spells to characters in Vesperia, the audio files are attached, I assume you have to go into the files to do this, but I tried messing with the other options for the arte, and it seems the artes you edit reset when you reload the game, so is there anyway to detatch the audio from character spells like Estell's First Aid?

And finally, for Xillia 2, have you tried making an alium orb editor? Or does it also not add the arte to their pool?

Sora3100 commented 7 months ago

You would have to edit the arte script in Vesperia, which is pretty much at the end of each file iirc

For Xillia 2, yes and yes it does not, but in the case of that game, I actually know what tells the game not to add them, as evidenced by the "CHR script V2" script

LeonTrifang commented 7 months ago

Wait at the end of each file in the cheat engine or the files in the actual game? Cause I can work with either.

So an alium orb edit is possible then? I wouldn't be opposed to making it myself if you can point me in the right direction.

Sora3100 commented 7 months ago

Files in the actual game as the game unloads them the moment they're unneeded

Yes, it's in the upcoming version of my table, although missing additional effects I can drop it here for the time being, it's under notes Of course, you can achieve the same by file modding

LeonTrifang commented 7 months ago

I'll just need to find the right files, I think they are under the svo files. I need to unpack them and look through stuff. I am still new to all this, but you've really helped a ton, sorry for bothering so much.

Oh wow that's so kind of you! Seriously I'll have fun messing with this!

LeonTrifang commented 7 months ago

Honestly hearing that you are still working on these makes me beyond happy, I'd be honored if you'd be willing to chat more, but I don't think the issues section is the best place to, I feel like there are tons I could learn from you! My biggest modding project was Dragon Quest 11, I worked with so many of the files and made tons of pak based mods, so that is what I am used to. I am beyond willing to learn given the right tools. Either way, it was seriously an honor to talk to you!

Sora3100 commented 7 months ago

I would recommend the Tales of ABCDE Discord for Tales related modding/hacking

LeonTrifang commented 7 months ago


LeonTrifang commented 7 months ago

Sorry I meant to close this. Thanks again for all your help!