Closed Sorrow446 closed 11 months ago
MP4s generated with Dolby Media Generator get corrupted. Tree looks fine. Can't post sample because of copyright.
[ftyp] size=8+20 major_brand = mp42 minor_version = 0 compatible_brand = mp42 compatible_brand = dby1 compatible_brand = isom [moov] size=8+40000 [mvhd] size=12+96 timescale = 600 duration = 105994 duration(ms) = 176657 [iods] size=12+15 [InitialObjectDescriptor] size=2+13 id = 1 include inline profile level flag = 0 OD profile level = ff scene profile level = ff audio profile level = 29 visual profile level = ff graphics profile level = ff [ES_ID_Inc] size=2+4 track_id = 1 [trak] size=8+37636 [tkhd] size=12+80, flags=7 enabled = 1 id = 1 duration = 105994 width = 0.000000 height = 0.000000 [mdia] size=8+37536 [mdhd] size=12+20 timescale = 44100 duration = 7790592 duration(ms) = 176657 language = und [hdlr] size=12+34 handler_type = soun handler_name = sound handler [minf] size=8+37450 [smhd] size=12+4 balance = 0 [dinf] size=8+28 [dref] size=12+16 [url ] size=12+0, flags=1 location = [local to file] [stbl] size=8+37390 [stsd] size=12+82 entry_count = 1 [mp4a] size=8+70 data_reference_index = 1 channel_count = 2 sample_size = 16 sample_rate = 44100 [esds] size=12+30 [ESDescriptor] size=2+28 es_id = 0 stream_priority = 0 [DecoderConfig] size=2+20 stream_type = 5 object_type = 64 up_stream = 0 buffer_size = 1536 max_bitrate = 331157 avg_bitrate = 320000 DecoderSpecificInfo = 12 10 56 e5 00 [Descriptor:06] size=2+1 [stts] size=12+12 entry_count = 1 [stsc] size=12+3964 entry_count = 330 [stsz] size=12+30440 sample_size = 0 sample_count = 7608 [stco] size=12+2832 entry_count = 707 [udta] size=8+2213 [meta] size=12+132 [hdlr] size=12+33 handler_type = mdir handler_name = ilst handler [ilst] size=8+79 [.nam] size=8+20 [data] size=8+12 type = 1 lang = 0 value = test [.too] size=8+43 [data] size=8+35 type = 1 lang = 0 value = Dolby Media Generator 3.8.3 [444C42592D4D-4554-4144-4154-412D3030] size=24+2045 [mdat] size=8+7066297
MP4s generated with Dolby Media Generator get corrupted. Tree looks fine. Can't post sample because of copyright.