Sparticuz / chromium

Chromium (x86-64) for Serverless Platforms
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[REQUEST] Investigate Chromium launch flags #3

Open Sparticuz opened 1 year ago

Sparticuz commented 1 year ago

hansottowirtz commented 1 year ago

I've upgraded from chrome-aws-lambda@9.1.0, but some of the heaviest pages we have to render crashed Chrome, unlike chrome-aws-lambda. The errors are usually: ProtocolError: Protocol error (Page.printToPDF): Printing failed.

Reverting to the flags of chrome-aws-lambda seemed to solve the problem. This is the diff, I will try to try every flag to figure out which one fixes it.

diff --git a/src/legacy-args.ts b/src/new-args.ts
index 87a81f4..7a1f8c5 100644
--- a/src/legacy-args.ts
+++ b/src/new-args.ts
@@ -1,40 +1,28 @@
-export const legacyArgs = [
+export const newArgs = [
-  '--disable-background-networking',
-  '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows',
-  '--disable-breakpad',
-  '--disable-client-side-phishing-detection',
-  '--disable-default-apps',
-  '--disable-extensions',
-  '--disable-hang-monitor',
-  '--disable-offer-store-unmasked-wallet-cards',
-  '--disable-popup-blocking',
-  '--disable-prompt-on-repost',
-  '--disable-renderer-backgrounding',
+  '--disable-site-isolation-trials',
-  '--disable-sync',
-  '--metrics-recording-only',
+  '--in-process-gpu',
-  '--password-store=basic',
-  '--use-gl=swiftshader',
-  '--use-mock-keychain',
+  '--use-angle=swiftshader',
+  '--use-gl=angle',

By using DEBUG=puppeteer:*, the received message is:

  "id": 113,
  "error": {
    "code": -32000,
    "message": "Printing failed"
  "sessionId": "...session id..."
jordxn commented 1 year ago

I had some timeout issues when upgrading from chrome-aws-lambda to 108.0.2 where the browser would timeout in my lambda function. Same as comment above, if I added DEBUG=puppeteer:*, I got

    "method": "Target.targetCrashed",
    "params": {
        "targetId": "28C4FE04B1B89A602F51353B96A6CE7C",
        "status": "crashed",
        "errorCode": 133

I overwrote the args based on what was in the original chrome-aws-lambda package and it seemed to solve my issue Through trial and error I found that setting '--use-gl=angle' to '--use-gl=swiftshader' fixed my issue.

So perhaps it's worth considering that flag in the default as well.

Sparticuz commented 1 year ago

Sparticuz commented 1 year ago

Sparticuz commented 1 year ago

I've refactored the args function making it much more flexible.

I've migrated to using all of puppeteer's default flags, but I also kept some of the one's we've been using.

Most of these are self-explanitory.

I would eventually like to get ride of these ones:

HasmH commented 9 months ago

would it be possible to have some sort of addArgs function for chromium.args as it is readonly - for easier customisability? Otherwise, is the alternative this via some bash script as i am trying to replicate this across multiple deployment environments

Sparticuz commented 9 months ago

would it be possible to have some sort of addArgs function for chromium.args

You can use the spread operator to add more args, [...chromium.args, '--newFlag', etc...].