When I am in "Edit loan"
And I mark a specimen as "Retained"
Then the specimen should be "Deaccessioned"
And be given a reason of "Retained by [Loan Receipient] on [Date Marked as retained] from [Loan Identifier]"
And, a prompt should be created to mark a new repository.
Edit loan, Filter CO loan radial
Screenshot, napkin sketch of interface, or conceptual description
Feature or enhancement
When I am in "Edit loan" And I mark a specimen as "Retained" Then the specimen should be "Deaccessioned" And be given a reason of "Retained by [Loan Receipient] on [Date Marked as retained] from [Loan Identifier]" And, a prompt should be created to mark a new repository.
Edit loan, Filter CO loan radial
Screenshot, napkin sketch of interface, or conceptual description
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Collections manager