SpinalHDL / SaxonSoc

SoC based on VexRiscv and ICE40 UP5K
MIT License
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Add support for the Fomu board #19

Open mithro opened 4 years ago

mithro commented 4 years ago

It would be awesome if the SaxonSoC supported the Tomu FPGA (Fomu). This would be an awesome introduction into to pure SpinalHDL design.

Happy to send people boards.

lawrie commented 4 years ago

Fomu has been supported for some time - see https://github.com/SpinalHDL/SaxonSoc/blob/dev/hardware/scala/saxon/board/fomu/FomuMinimal.scala

I was planning to add support for Xip on the board as well and asked Sean Cross a question about how to get the Risc-V program into flash memory, but then I got my Ulx3s boards and have been mainly working on Linux on those.

Other operating systems such as Zephyr of FreeRTOS might run using SaxonSoc on the board.

Dolu1990 commented 4 years ago

Would probably need to update it. @lawrie Is the ram inferred using the big 32 KB blocks ?

roman3017 commented 4 years ago

It seems Fomu is using BmbOnChipRamGenerator instead of BmbIce40SpramGenerator. The later is being used only by Ice40up5kbevn.