Added russian translation to the modification. Both UTF-8 and ANSI encodings present. Added into existing structure. Maybe it would be reasonable to move language strings to a separate files while implementing multilingual support.
Known issue: if no file $languagedir/Modifications.russian.php exists there would be an error.
Possible scenario: installation when no other mods are installed.
Possible solution: add 'create $languagedir/Modifications.russian.php' if not exists.
Thanks for the translation! .. At some point I want to move those strings out of modification language and in to the main awards language file and just load that when needed but thats a ways off.
Added russian translation to the modification. Both UTF-8 and ANSI encodings present. Added into existing structure. Maybe it would be reasonable to move language strings to a separate files while implementing multilingual support.
Known issue: if no file $languagedir/Modifications.russian.php exists there would be an error. Possible scenario: installation when no other mods are installed. Possible solution: add 'create $languagedir/Modifications.russian.php' if not exists.