Stability-AI / StableSwarmUI

StableSwarmUI, A Modular Stable Diffusion Web-User-Interface, with an emphasis on making powertools easily accessible, high performance, and extensibility.
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Spurious reasoning for C# over Python #3

Closed bghira closed 1 year ago

bghira commented 1 year ago

It's true that Python is an interpreted language, which makes it slower compared to compiled languages like C#. However, in the context of machine learning (ML) and scientific computing, Python's performance is not usually the bottleneck. The heavy computations in ML are offloaded to highly-optimized C/C++ libraries (like NumPy or PyTorch's underlying libraries) or to GPU-accelerated libraries like CUDA. This means that, in practice, ML code written in Python can run just as quickly as similar code written in other languages.

While Python has a Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) that can limit the effectiveness of multithreading by allowing only one native thread to execute at a time. However, this does not mean that Python "lacks true multithreading capabilities". Python's threading module does support multithreading, although it might not provide a speedup for CPU-bound tasks due to the GIL. However, for I/O-bound tasks (like loading data from disk), Python's multithreading can provide a significant speedup. Moreover, Python has other ways to achieve parallelism, like multiprocessing (via the multiprocessing module), and many of the underlying C/C++ libraries used in ML can effectively utilize multi-core processors independent of Python's GIL.

Developer Ecosystem: Python is currently the dominant language in the data science and machine learning field. Most of the major ML libraries (like TensorFlow, PyTorch, SciKit-Learn, etc.) have been developed in and for Python, and Python's simple syntax and vast ecosystem of scientific computing libraries make it very accessible to new developers. While developing ML tools in C# might indeed attract developers from the C# ecosystem, it does not necessarily "enable a wider range of developers to make use of Stable Diffusion". In fact, it could limit the reach of these tools, as they would not be usable by the large number of developers who are already working in the Python ecosystem.

Can you please update the text to be more accurate?

mcmonkey4eva commented 1 year ago

Hi, I appreciate the feedback, however I think you read that with a particularly negative minded light, so I'd ask if you can take a moment to understand the intended meaning clearly before we continue (and, when you feel you do understand how it's intended, provide suggestion(s) for how to phrase it more clearly so that the intention gets across).

bghira commented 1 year ago

okay. those are good points. i'm sorry if my comment came across as overly critical. I figured the details I provided would be enough on a technical level. I have taken some time to rewrite it based on your feedback, so that there is a suggested change which outlines the strengths of the C# approach while ensuring the Python is still outlined:

This project employs a C# backend server to enhance performance and manage complexity effectively. Our system's requirements include serving multiple users, orchestrating numerous backends, handling extensive datasets, and executing specialized processing tasks. To achieve optimal performance, we sought a language capable of fully leveraging multi-core capabilities to scale up efficiently.

Python, the current Gold Standard for machine learning projects, offers considerable flexibility and functionality. It is well equipped to handle multiprocessing tasks effectively, bypassing the limitations of the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) that impacts multi-threading. However, for a system like ours that requires extensive concurrent CPU-bound tasks and superior multithreading capabilities, C# was a more fitting choice.

By adopting C# for our project, we're broadening the reach of Stable Diffusion tools beyond the Python ecosystem. This choice offers options to developers more comfortable in the C# environment without displacing Python tools. Essentially, we're enriching the existing toolkit with more diverse programming options.

It's worth noting that while C# offers significant advantages in certain areas, like any language, it's not without its challenges. For instance, managing memory in C# can be complex due to its garbage-collected nature, particularly when dealing with large datasets. However, we believe the advantages outweigh these complexities in our specific use case.

Our current architecture leverages the strengths of both languages: we use Python sub-processes for our inference backends, and C# for multithreaded processing and serving. Our future plan is to introduce a native C# execution engine as an alternative, maintaining Python's flexibility and functionality while reaping the performance benefits that C# provides.

tazlin commented 1 year ago

Hi, I appreciate the feedback, however I think you read that with a particularly negative minded light, so I'd ask if you can take a moment to understand the intended meaning clearly before we continue (and, when you feel you do understand how it's intended, provide suggestion(s) for how to phrase it more clearly so that the intention gets across).

I would like to echo the sentiment from the OP that the ML space is entirely in python, and by developing in .NET, you are effectively isolating your tool from the ability of many would-be contributors from this space to contribute. That audience is the most likely to be engaged in actually contributing.

  • multi-core functionality was needed here because this project does a lot more than just simple inference, it's a webserver, multi-backend-orchestrator, specialty processor, large-dataset manager, ... and it's designed with the intention to be accessible to several users simultaneously (not yet fully implemented) - if it was bound to a single core as would be the case in the python GIL system, many of these functionalities would be limited in capability as the server's usage scales up. The actual inference backends are currently still in python and launched as sub-processes (however I'd like in the future to have a native C# execution engine available as an option - that's delayed to focus on more important things though)

I feel there may be a gap in your understanding about the performance limitations of python. The points talked about here sound academic, and are probably rooted in a time when a historical python version (such as 2.7) was the norm. As python is now, I find the idea that the performance characteristics of python necessarily being a limiting factor as outdated at best. Between plain old threading, coroutines, and multiprocessing - all features of the standard library - and smart architecture, I suspect any well enough engineered system could - in pure python - stand up to the rigor of the features needed to make the Swarm project work.

having tools in more languages is absolutely increasing the range of accessibility. I'm not taking away any python tools, I'm adding some non-python options.

And to reiterate, while you're not technically removing anything, you're obscuring the ability of anyone already in this space and not familiar with C# to contribute or consume it in a more meaningful way.

bghira commented 1 year ago

thank you for echoing my original sentiment, and expanding upon it. however, I agree with Alex. my initial reaction was knee-jerk based on the same incorrect assertions made in the - but having an expanded ecosystem in the direction of C# is unlikely to harm the python ecosystem.

on the contrary, developers who encounter the limitations of C# development are likely to look toward solutions like huggingface/diffusers and make the jump into learning Python. but if they never hit those limits, and the available C# solution works for a C# developer, that is a net win for StabilityAI, and C# developers.

tazlin commented 1 year ago

thank you for echoing my original sentiment, and expanding upon it. however, I agree with Alex. my initial reaction was knee-jerk based on the same incorrect assertions made in the - but having an expanded ecosystem in the direction of C# is unlikely to harm the python ecosystem.

on the contrary, developers who encounter the limitations of C# development are likely to look toward solutions like huggingface/diffusers and make the jump into learning Python. but if they never hit those limits, and the available C# solution works for a C# developer, that is a net win for StabilityAI, and C# developers.

I didn't imply, nor do I believe, that choosing .NET is an inherently bad idea, nor do I think it will harm anything. I do, however, think the reasons given for choosing it over python are spurious at best.

bghira commented 1 year ago

yes. i think "we just wanted to do this for the C# community, and it's what we are comfortable with" makes total sense too.

tazlin commented 1 year ago

Sure. That's a business decision that I wouldn't argue with. They are not compelled to use any one technology, but as originally stated, its not accurate to say python is fundamentally less capable to do the stated goals.

tazlin commented 1 year ago

As noted here:, it sounds like you or your team prefers C#, which is fine, but the claims - particularly about multi-core use - are flatly incorrect. I see no harm in changing the language to emphasize that C# is your/your team's preferred tool to accomplish your goals using technology you understand, rather than making blanket statements about an entire programming language which do not seem to bear the weight of what is claimed.

mcmonkey4eva commented 1 year ago

The fact that python can use more cores by spinning up more processes is technically correct but not relevant, that is not a high-performance multicore solution, that's a hack. Python is simply not an ideal choice for projects that need high performance multicore processing.

The decision was not made flippantly. I did significant testing. Some of my experimental 1:1 code comparisons ran literally orders of magnitude faster in C# than they did in Python, even the singlethreaded ones. I chose the high-performance option because it was the high-performance option.

You can have your own opinions and preferences, if you want to use python for things that python is less capable at than other tools, that's your choice, but I chose to use the technology that does better at the goals we needed, and I tried my best explained that choice in the readme.

If you would like to help improve the phrasing of that explanation, that's welcome, but the aggressive response here is not needed.

ps I appreciate your responses here @bghira

I don't think that the suggested rewrite there would be best, just because - well, it's a 5 paragraph essay replacing what was meant to be a couple sentences and is already overly long.

bghira commented 1 year ago

@mcmonkey4eva i would have been disappointed if you'd used the text as-is. i just wanted to give you more feedback and help nudge it in the direction you wanted.

what tazlin is saying is also unfortunately correct. the fact that you go out of your way to make performance comparisons is really going to 'upset' some people, who will then go out of their way to bring it up here, probably again and again.

it seems like a few charts of tests you've done would be helpful, but if that's out of scope, maybe just removing the mentions of python from the readme is the way to go. there's no point in bringing up a comparison if we can't see the test methodology or the results.

bghira commented 1 year ago

for additional data, reference this old stackoverflow answer about Python vs C# performance. simply put, out of the box, Python doesn't perform as well. but using tools like PyPy or especially cython will bring python's performance beyond that of C#.

but we don't have the tests, or the data. and so these questions/discussions will probably resurface until that is a settled question. thus is the nature of FOSS.

mcmonkey4eva commented 1 year ago

So, update, it's finally doc-writing time, so - the Motivations are now in their own separate doc, have been expanded, and there's an explicit note of This document explains the reasoning behind some core choices for the design of the project. These are not necessarily sweeping statements, reasons to make the same choices, or even absolutely true facts - these are the reasons that choices were made, and nothing more. at the top.

bghira commented 1 year ago

i have an updated translation for your consideration, now that it is a separate living document:

This scroll of wisdom elucidates the mystical motives behind the cardinal decisions of our project's creation. These are not cast as unbreakable enchantments, compelling reasons for identical choices, or even incontrovertible truths from the Book of All-Knowing - these are simply the catalysts that steered our choices, no more, no less.

It's crucial to remember that reading this scroll does not bind you to a magical contract compelling you to follow our chosen path. Nor does it guarantee the same results if you embark on a similar journey, for every quest is unique, and every choice shapes a different destiny.

These words not as commandments etched in stone, but rather as a gentle recounting of the decisions that have shaped our endeavor. This recounting aims to offer understanding, not dictate your future actions. Venture forth with this in mind, and shape your path according to your own wisdom and insight.

saint4eva commented 1 year ago

But to be sincere, C# is of high performance than python in every facets.

bghira commented 1 year ago

please, no more arguing about it. because you're going to hear facts that disagree with you. and this will drag ON AND ON.

anyone who responds further here will receive a free block from me, and it will no longer be possible to do code review on my pull requests, or comment on any issues I open.