StanfordAHA / CGRAMapper

CoreIR based mapping tool for CGRA
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
6 stars 4 forks source link

ERROR: NYI: subselecting from a primitive #45

Open leonardt opened 6 years ago

leonardt commented 6 years ago
❯ cgra-mapper test_DefineSub16.json test_DefineSub16_mapped.json
Loading test_DefineSub16.json
Running Pass: rungenerators
In Run Generators
Done running generators
Running Pass: verifyinputconnections
Running Pass: verifyconnectivity-onlyinputs-noclkrst
Running Pass: removebulkconnections
Running Pass: verifycanmap
ERROR: NYI: subselecting from a primitive

0   cgra-mapper                         0x0000000104ef7e37 _ZN12MapperPasses12VerifyCanMap13runOnInstanceEPN6CoreIR8InstanceE + 4455
1   libcoreir.dylib                     0x0000000105351c37 _ZN6CoreIR11PassManager15runInstancePassEPNS_4PassE + 4103
2   libcoreir.dylib                     0x0000000105352f7a _ZN6CoreIR11PassManager7runPassEPNS_4PassE + 442
3   libcoreir.dylib                     0x00000001053563c3 _ZN6CoreIR11PassManager3runENSt3__16vectorINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS6_IS8_EEEESA_ + 5075
4   libcoreir.dylib                     0x0000000105191996 _ZN6CoreIR7Context9runPassesENSt3__16vectorINS1_12basic_stringIcNS1_11char_traitsIcEENS1_9allocatorIcEEEENS6_IS8_EEEESA_ + 150
5   cgra-mapper                         0x0000000104f1cb81 main + 10737
6   libdyld.dylib                       0x00007fff6f55f115 start + 1


rdaly525 commented 6 years ago

This is a difficult example to map. The simplest thing is to not use the 16 bit part of the ALU.

leonardt commented 6 years ago

Might be a bit contrived, I should update mantle to use the coreir sub primitive