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Ship Differentiation + loadout diversity / Time to Kill = Cinematic Battles #721

Open StarCoreIssueBot opened 3 months ago

StarCoreIssueBot commented 3 months ago

Was watching the old fights earlier for some nostalgia, and I realized that time to kill used to be our only metric for victory, and we've sort of been balancing in that way ever since GT1. Gotta kill everyone in 15 minutes or else! Except that's not the case anymore. Now we have multiple ways to win.

The beautiful thing about fights back in the day is they were slow enough that you didn't blink and lose a detail (unless you were Xoc), and armor mattered more because all weapons were weaker. There was also a great deal more ship differentiation. This carried up until GT2, but then we lost that thread for some godawful autistic reason. My suggestion: reduce global damage by 50% (for starters). Reduce all travel speeds and projectile velocities. That's right baby, slow things down. This, combined with reducing the weapon roster (or at least making the weapons distinct so that it doesn't look like fifty of the same gun just with a different glowing round) will help lots. All rounds can be slowed accordingly as well. I wouldn't touch acceleration, just top speed. People will start dodging shots again. People won't worry about getting aries'd down as much. People will be able to survive more hits. Pilots will take more risks. Popcorn will be consumed.

Also, though it was a fun experiment, the "I pressed 6, now you're dead" expendable missile spam as run its course. I think we've moved past it and can embrace our roots of slower, longer-lasting, reloading missiles with PD that isn't overcooked to the point of spoiling the spaghetti. It was only ever supposed to be a workaround for people to pretend they had PMWs anyway, and not a replacer for ALL missiles. We can put it to bed, fellas.

Once people can survive an unshielded hit, balance will become easier--you can burn it all in the service of art, and everyone will marvel at the beautiful blaze you've created.

Submitted by: @~}~~ Enderoth ~~{~@

InvalidArgument3 commented 1 week ago

the S.I. fieldgen giving 50% damage reduction + the desecration of defenseshield mechanics by the unholy one has definitely changed some things up damagewise. the latter can be looked at once we sanction the mods for the network genocide going on rn