Statistically-Unlikely-Games / Crimson-Rue

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Convert Bases to Transparent Background #58

Open noeinan opened 5 years ago

noeinan commented 5 years ago

I will be adding hair to the generator, in various layers. The new background layer will be the hair back, therefore the body bases need to be on transparent backgrounds to show on top of them. This is much more efficient than having alternative hair back images for different poses, including variations in arms, hips, waist, etc.

noeinan commented 5 years ago

Completed all four bases for body A

noeinan commented 5 years ago

Made bodies B and C transparent

noeinan commented 5 years ago

Finished body D and color corrected C

noeinan commented 4 years ago

Okay, so besides the bases, a huge amount of work needed to be done to clean up the various body parts, eliminating stray pixels, and adding white space to body parts where before the white background would compensate.

Currently fixed everything about Base A and all parts except the white of tense arms. Still needs to be adjusted to allow arms to look complete regardless of the waist and hips used. (Since arms are above waists and hips, it is necessary to make some changes.)

For ears, I actually added another layer for the face-- there is now face, below ears, and cheeks, above ears, for when cheekbones and the left side of the face are above ears. This allows for much more versatility in faces as I don't have to do nearly as much work to add new ones. Simply add one face and one cheek, just the face with a small square removed so it doesn't interfere with long ears. Had to add code to the buttons so that faces and cheeks are linked instead of separate sections.

Recommended to do a similar thing with arms tense, allowing one arm below to cover the white space and the arms above are erased more to allow for the hip and stomach lines to show. Shouldn't need to add any white spaces with this, thankfully. New arms must go below the hips/stomach, perhaps behind the base?

Once A is done, I'll make sure all of this converts to E. Then I'll be working on B+F, C+G, and finally D+H.

After all that is done I can finally add hair!