StatusNeo / Hacktoberfest_2020

An initiative for Code Newbies in Open Source to participate in Hacktoberfest 2020.
MIT License
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Blog | My Tech Blog #36

Open tejasnopany opened 3 years ago

tejasnopany commented 3 years ago

Are you a member of a sports club or do you play in a band? Make a website for that - even if your club doesn't need one. This Blog is for beginners.

A To-do app you can speak to.--- An analogue clock. A small chat interface, maybe for something like webshop live support. Set up a landing page for Relay For Life, even though they never asked you to (seriously, help spread the brand!).

That's 20 ideas for your beginner portfolio.

NishkarshRaj commented 3 years ago

Congrats! You just created a PR :heart: The maintainers will review soon' first issue

tejasnopany commented 3 years ago

@NishkarshRaj PR...

NishkarshRaj commented 3 years ago

@tejasnopany sorry I missed this issue. You don't have to write a blog here, just get yourself assigned in the issue.

Copy this content and create a PR with your blog.

NishkarshRaj commented 3 years ago

Congrats! You just created a PR ❤️ The maintainers will review soon' first issue

The actions is not correctly built. It is stating PR as issue and vice-versa xD

tejasnopany commented 3 years ago

@tejasnopany sorry I missed this issue. You don't have to write a blog here, just get yourself assigned in the issue.

Copy this content and create a PR with your blog.

Got it.. will do it later thanks..