Manage your topic's configuration (partitions, replication factor, parameters), ACLs, quotas, users and get stats, without any effort with this library. It does not use the Kafka scripts and does not require ssh connection to the remote broker.
$ grep -Hir Seom ~/.ansible/*
/home/tfoerste/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/StephenSorriaux/ansible_kafka_admin/plugins/modules/ msg='Seomthing went wrong: %s ' % e
/home/tfoerste/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/StephenSorriaux/ansible_kafka_admin/plugins/modules/ msg='Seomthing went wrong: %s ' % e
/home/tfoerste/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/StephenSorriaux/ansible_kafka_admin/plugins/modules/ msg='Seomthing went wrong: %s ' % e