Steppschuh / RemoteControlServer

Remote Control Server
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Win10, Scriptfailurenotice when connecting #129

Open NixXxn opened 8 years ago

NixXxn commented 8 years ago


first of all great app. works just fine but i always get a annoying error on my laptop-screen when i connect with my phone.

I googled the failure but seems im the only one who get's this message?! I tried to reinstall,... nothing worked.

attached you can find a screenshot of the failure.

best regards, NIxXxon scriptfailure

Steppschuh commented 8 years ago

Hey, this is in some way related to Internet Explorer. Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce this on my Windows 10 PC today, but you could give this a try:

NixXxn commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. In my IE-Options all Script-Debugging-Error where ticked off. And IE is not my default Browser anyway in my opinion it shouldnt open anything with it.

In chrome (my default browser) there are no such Errors normally and no similar tickboxes to disable.

Maybe you can reproduce the failure but it's defanatly not the most important thing just a little annoying.