Closed TCIII closed 2 years ago
Did you source before launching rviz?
Thanks for the response, much appreciated.
rviz is launched by a rviz script called "navigate.rviz". I run "view_navigation.launch" which does nothing more than launch the following:
"navigation.rviz" can be found here.
By "did you source" did you mean this: "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash"?
I tried "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash", but I am still getting the same error when I run "view_navigation.launch" which launches "rviz/navigation.rviz".
I am using a RPLidar A1M8 on my Arlobot robot for mapping. The "view_navigation.launch" should allow me to make a map with rviz using the SlamToolboxPlugin which is not loading.
I have tried running just "roslaunch rplidar_ros view_rplidar.launch" and rviz opens without issue and displays the RPLidar output. However under the rviz "Panels" drop down there is no "Slam Toolbox Plugin" in the "Add New Panel" "Panel Type" display. Only rviz_plugin_tutorials/Teleop appear in the "Panel Type".
The "SlamToolboxPlugin" appears in the "/share/slam_toolbox/config/slam_toolbox_default.rviz", however it does not appear in the rviz "plugin description.xml file.".
What process can I use to add the "Class: slam_toolbox::SlamToolboxPlugin" to the rviz loaded plugin descriptions? I will need to know where the SlamToolboxPlugin resides and how to add it correctly (there does not appear to be a "base class type rviz::Panel") to the rviz "plugin description.xml".
Could this possibly be a bug in the installation of the Slam Toolbox module?
I used a script that installed ROS Noetic, modules, and dependencies so there was no manual installation of the Slam Toolbox.
As I have posted above, is there a procedure that you can provide to me that I can follow to install the class slam_toolbox::SlamToolboxPlugin in the rviz "plugin_descriptions.xml file?
I found closed issue #234 which one poster stated he had the same issue that I am seeing with the SlamToolboxPlugin, but it never seemed to have been resolved even when the solution was applied.
I have looked at the solution and determined the following:
1) I have verified the "::" in slam_toolbox_default.rviz
2) However, "slam_toolbox_rviz_plugin.h" seems to be missing from /opt/ros/noetic/include/rviz
I believe that the Slam Toolbox was automatically installed by the Arlobot ROS Noetic install script using Cmake, but there is no independent slamtoolbox directory in the catkin_ws directory.
How should I proceed to add the missing "slam_toolbox_rviz_plugin.h"?
I have purged and then reinstalled rviz and then ran "source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash". This did not cure the problem.
I then purged and reinstalled slam toolbox using the follow command "sudo apt install ros-noetic-slam-toolbox", however this did not cure the problem.
I get the feeling that "sudo apt install ros-noetic-slam-toolbox" is not installing the noetic-devel version of the slam toolbox.
Suggestions on how I can proceed?
What is the difference between "slam_toolbox_rviz" and "slam_toolbox_default_rviz" in /opt/ros/noetic/share/slam_toolbox/config/slam_toolbox_default.rviz?
Again I don't have the file "slam_toolbox_rvizplugin.h" in /opt/ros/noetic/include/rviz.
SBC: LattePanda Atom x86 OS: Ubuntu 20.04.3 ROS: Noetic Slam ToolBox version:(1.5.6-1focal.20210922.203113) rviz version 1.14.10
I am new to ROS/rviz/Slam Toolbox so please bare with me. I do not believe that this is a ROS issue as I have posted on ROS Answers and have not received any responses.
I received this error message when attempting to make a map using rviz in a navigation.rviz file"
rviz (rviz/rviz)
process[rviz-1]: started with pid [5102] [ERROR] [1640451452.432491635]: PluginlibFactory: The plugin for class 'slam_toolbox::SlamToolboxPlugin' failed to load. Error: According to the loaded plugin descriptions the class slam_toolbox::SlamToolboxPlugin with base class type rviz::Panel does not exist. Declared types are rviz_plugin_tutorials/Teleop [rospack] Error: no package given [librospack]: error while executing command [rospack] Error: no package given [librospack]: error while executing command QXcbClipboard: Unable to receive an event from the clipboard manager in a reasonable time [rviz-1] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/thomas/.ros/log/0dcde9bc-65a3-11ec-bd19-0b651bddef40/rviz-1*.log all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
Rviz did open, but there was obviously no scan displayed on the grid.
Also, in the rviz "Panels" drop down there is no "Slam Toolbox Plugin" in the "Add New Panel" "Panel Type" display, so I get the feeling that the plugin is not available in my version of the Slam Toolbox.
I have attached the log file below.
I have exhausted all of the resources I can think of on the IoT and would appreciate some direction as to how I should proceed.
rviz-1-stdout.log .