Stillat / meerkat-v1hub

Hub for Meerkat v1 bugs, issues; comments
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Installation issues. #4

Closed codybuell closed 5 years ago

codybuell commented 6 years ago

Several control panel views are broken by Meerkat. I have a 2.10.5 installation of Statamic, 1.5.0 of Meerkat. After placing the Meerkat folder into the addons directory nothing would load citing a missing defaults.yaml file in the Meerkat addons dir. Touched the file, added Meerkat license, which is where I'm at now.

Trying to navigate to /cp/addons/meerkat/settings:

ErrorException in Str.php line 69:
mb_strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

in Str.php line 69
at HandleExceptions->handleError('2', 'mb_strpos() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given', '[[stripped]]statamic/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Str.php', '69', array('haystack' => array('text', 'text'), 'needles' => '.', 'needle' => '.'))
at mb_strpos(array('text', 'text'), '.') in Str.php line 69
at Str::contains(array('text', 'text'), '.') in FieldtypeLoader.php line 16
at FieldtypeLoader->load(array('text', 'text'), array()) in FieldtypeFactory.php line 37
at FieldtypeFactory::create(array('text', 'text')) in Fieldset.php line 684
at Fieldset->getFieldtype(array('text', 'text')) in Fieldset.php line 265
at Fieldset->Statamic\CP\{closure}(array('type' => array('text', 'text'), 'width' => '100', 'name' => 'license_key'), 'license_key')
at array_map(object(Closure), array('license_key' => array('type' => array('text', 'text'), 'width' => '100'), 'publishing' => array('type' => 'section', 'width' => '100'), 'auto_publish' => array('type' => 'toggle', 'width' => '50'), 'auto_publish_authenticated_users' => array('type' => 'toggle', 'width' => '50'), 'cp_avatar_driver' => array('type' => 'select', 'width' => '50', 'options' => array('gravatar' => 'Gravatar', 'initials' => 'Initials')), 'automatically_close_comments' => array('type' => 'text', 'width' => '50', 'validate' => 'integer', 'default' => '0'), 'security' => array('type' => 'section', 'width' => '100'), 'auto_check_spam' => array('type' => 'toggle', 'width' => '50'), 'auto_delete_spam' => array('type' => 'toggle', 'width' => '50'), 'auto_submit_results' => array('type' => 'toggle', 'width' => '100'), 'akismet_api_key' => array('type' => 'text', 'width' => '50'), 'akismet_front_page' => array('type' => 'text', 'width' => '50')), array('license_key', 'publishing', 'auto_publish', 'auto_publish_authenticated_users', 'cp_avatar_driver', 'automatically_close_comments', 'security', 'auto_check_spam', 'auto_delete_spam', 'auto_submit_results', 'akismet_api_key', 'akismet_front_page')) in Collection.php line 469

Trying to edit a page in the control panel or view collections:

ErrorException in JavascriptComposer.php line 74:
Undefined index: (View: [[stripped]]/statamic/resources/views/layout.blade.php) (View: [[stripped]]/statamic/resources/views/layout.blade.php)

in JavascriptComposer.php line 74
at CompilerEngine->handleViewException(object(ErrorException), '1') in PhpEngine.php line 44
at PhpEngine->evaluatePath('[[stripped]]/local/storage/framework/views/3bfc7ef9cc514eb50b8edba506467153', array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'update_available' => false, 'is_new' => false, 'content_data' => array('title' => 'Articles', 'slug' => 'articles', 'content' => null, 'seo' => array('title' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null), 'description' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null), 'image' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null), 'priority' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null), 'change_frequency' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null)), 'template' => 'article', 'mount' => 'articles', 'id' => '5112c73f-052a-4d22-a91e-da237084a062'), 'content_type' => 'page', 'fieldset' => array('title' => 'Default', 'sections' => array('main' => array('fields' => array('title' => array('type' => 'text', 'width' => '66', 'display' => null, 'instructions' => null, 'required' => false), 'slug' => array('type' => 'text', 'width' => '33', 'display' => null, 'instructions' => null, 'required' => false), 'content' => array('type' => 'markdown', 'display' => 'Content', 'localizable' => true, 'instructions' => null, 'required' => false))), 'seo' => array('display' => 'SEO', 'fields' => array('seo' => array('type' => 'seo_pro', 'fields' => array('title' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'field' => array('type' => 'text'), 'placeholder' => 'Articles', 'display' => 'Meta Title', 'instructions' => 'Every URL in your site should have a unique Meta Title, ideally less than 60 characters long.'), 'description' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'field' => array('type' => 'text'), 'placeholder' => '', 'display' => 'Meta Description', 'instructions' => 'Every URL in your site should have a unique Meta Description, ideally less than 160 characters long.'), 'image' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'allowed_fieldtypes' => array('assets'), 'field' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.asset'), 'placeholder' => null, 'display' => 'Social Image', 'instructions' => 'This image is used as a social network preview image.'), 'priority' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'field' => array('type' => 'text'), 'placeholder' => '0.5', 'display' => 'Sitemap: Priority', 'instructions' => 'The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. Valid values range from `0.0` to `1.0`.'), 'change_frequency' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'field' => array('type' => 'select', 'options' => array(array('value' => 'hourly', 'text' => 'Hourly'), array('value' => 'daily', 'text' => 'Daily'), array('value' => 'weekly', 'text' => 'Weekly'), array('value' => 'monthly', 'text' => 'Monthly'), array('value' => 'yearly', 'text' => 'Yearly'), array('value' => 'never', 'text' => 'Never'))), 'placeholder' => 'monthly', 'display' => 'Sitemap: Change Frequency', 'instructions' => 'A hint to search engines on how frequently the page is likely to change.')), 'display' => null, 'instructions' => null, 'required' => false)))), 'name' => 'default'), 'title' => 'Articles', 'uuid' => '5112c73f-052a-4d22-a91e-da237084a062', 'uri' => '/articles', 'url' => '/articles', 'slug' => 'articles', 'status' => true, 'locale' => 'en', 'is_default_locale' => true, 'locales' => array(array('name' => 'en', 'label' => 'English', 'url' => '', 'is_active' => true, 'has_content' => true, 'is_published' => true)), 'extra' => array('is_home' => false, 'parent_url' => '/'), 'suggestions' => object(Collection))) in CompilerEngine.php line 58
at CompilerEngine->get('[[stripped]]/statamic/resources/views/publish.blade.php', array('__env' => object(Factory), 'app' => object(Application), 'errors' => object(ViewErrorBag), 'update_available' => false, 'is_new' => false, 'content_data' => array('title' => 'Articles', 'slug' => 'articles', 'content' => null, 'seo' => array('title' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null), 'description' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null), 'image' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null), 'priority' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null), 'change_frequency' => array('source' => 'inherit', 'value' => null)), 'template' => 'article', 'mount' => 'articles', 'id' => '5112c73f-052a-4d22-a91e-da237084a062'), 'content_type' => 'page', 'fieldset' => array('title' => 'Default', 'sections' => array('main' => array('fields' => array('title' => array('type' => 'text', 'width' => '66', 'display' => null, 'instructions' => null, 'required' => false), 'slug' => array('type' => 'text', 'width' => '33', 'display' => null, 'instructions' => null, 'required' => false), 'content' => array('type' => 'markdown', 'display' => 'Content', 'localizable' => true, 'instructions' => null, 'required' => false))), 'seo' => array('display' => 'SEO', 'fields' => array('seo' => array('type' => 'seo_pro', 'fields' => array('title' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'field' => array('type' => 'text'), 'placeholder' => 'Articles', 'display' => 'Meta Title', 'instructions' => 'Every URL in your site should have a unique Meta Title, ideally less than 60 characters long.'), 'description' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'field' => array('type' => 'text'), 'placeholder' => '', 'display' => 'Meta Description', 'instructions' => 'Every URL in your site should have a unique Meta Description, ideally less than 160 characters long.'), 'image' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'allowed_fieldtypes' => array('assets'), 'field' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.asset'), 'placeholder' => null, 'display' => 'Social Image', 'instructions' => 'This image is used as a social network preview image.'), 'priority' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'field' => array('type' => 'text'), 'placeholder' => '0.5', 'display' => 'Sitemap: Priority', 'instructions' => 'The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. Valid values range from `0.0` to `1.0`.'), 'change_frequency' => array('type' => 'seo_pro.source', 'field' => array('type' => 'select', 'options' => array(array('value' => 'hourly', 'text' => 'Hourly'), array('value' => 'daily', 'text' => 'Daily'), array('value' => 'weekly', 'text' => 'Weekly'), array('value' => 'monthly', 'text' => 'Monthly'), array('value' => 'yearly', 'text' => 'Yearly'), array('value' => 'never', 'text' => 'Never'))), 'placeholder' => 'monthly', 'display' => 'Sitemap: Change Frequency', 'instructions' => 'A hint to search engines on how frequently the page is likely to change.')), 'display' => null, 'instructions' => null, 'required' => false)))), 'name' => 'default'), 'title' => 'Articles', 'uuid' => '5112c73f-052a-4d22-a91e-da237084a062', 'uri' => '/articles', 'url' => '/articles', 'slug' => 'articles', 'status' => true, 'locale' => 'en', 'is_default_locale' => true, 'locales' => array(array('name' => 'en', 'label' => 'English', 'url' => '', 'is_active' => true, 'has_content' => true, 'is_published' => true)), 'extra' => array('is_home' => false, 'parent_url' => '/'), 'suggestions' => object(Collection))) in View.php line 147
JohnathonKoster commented 5 years ago

@codybuell Tested and verified working in Meerkat 1.5.3 which is available from the Statamic Marketplace. If you previously purchased licenses through, message or email me and I will convert any license keys to Statamic Marketplace keys.
