Stjubit / TA-jira_issue_input

Splunk Add-on to collect Jira issue data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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This Splunk Technical Add-on enables you to index Jira issues by querying your Jira servers' REST API. You can control which issues to index by specifying a JQL query string.


project = SD AND status != "Canceled"


  1. Setup the Jira Account by going to the configuration page of the TA-jira_issue_input app: Configuration -> Account
  1. (Optional) Setup a proxy to use for the requests to the Jira REST API: Configuration -> Proxy

  2. Add your Jira issue input on the app Inputs configuration page


This app uses KV Store checkpoints to save the latest state of an input in order to only index updated Jira issues since the last run. This feature has been added in version 1.1.0 of this TA.

How to view checkpoint values

You can use the jira_issue_input_checkpointer_lookup lookup to view the current checkpoint value(s). Example search:

| inputlookup jira_issue_input_checkpointer_lookup
| eval input_name=_key

How to reindex Jira issues

You can easily reindex data by modifying the checkpoint value for an input. The timestamp has to be an integer in milliseconds! Example search:

| inputlookup jira_issue_input_checkpointer_lookup
| search _key="<input_name>"
| eval state="1678718462404"
| outputlookup jira_issue_input_checkpointer_lookup

Please note that checkpoints are only used if you do not specify an updated field in your JQL!

Of course, you can also just delete and create an input to reindex data!

Update Notes

1.0.x to > 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0 added checkpoint support to the TA by adding a new field to the input called Last Updated Start Time (last_updated_start_time).

Your inputs will continue to work the same way after upgrading from 1.0.x to 1.1.x, but I highly recommend to migrate to checkpoints. There are two ways how you can do this:

  1. Update the TA and let your inputs run at least one time. This will initialize the checkpoint with updated timestamps from the input. You can disable and enable an input to make it run manually. After that, you can just edit your inputs and remove filters for the updated field from your JQL. This will make sure that the input now uses the checkpoint for data retrieval.
  2. Reconfigure your inputs and set the Last Updated Start Time field to the last time the old input was running. Remove filters for the updated field from your JQL.

Additional Notes

This TA includes a workaround for JRASERVER-34746, which means you can use the worklog field to fetch all worklogs.

How to dev


Please make sure that files outside of the bin/ and appserver/controllers directory do not have execute permissions and are not .exe files. Splunk recommends 644 for all app files outside of the bin/ directory, 644 for scripts within the bin/ directory that are invoked using an interpreter (e.g. python or sh, and 755 for scripts within the bin/ directory that are invoked directly (e.g. ./ or ./my_script). Here's a snippet that ensures that file permissions are correct:

sudo find TA-jira_issue_input -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +
sudo find TA-jira_issue_input -type f -exec chmod 644 {} +
sudo find TA-jira_issue_input/bin/ -type f -name "*.exe" -exec chmod 755 {} +

More infos: Splunk AppInspect check criteria