Stratehm / stratum-proxy

Java implementation of a stratum->stratum/HTTPGetwork proxy with a Web GUI and some pool switching strategies (PriorityFailover, WeightedRoundRobin). Simple to install and configure.
GNU General Public License v3.0
198 stars 118 forks source link

Log Number of Shares Per Worker #42

Closed MegaFall closed 9 years ago

MegaFall commented 9 years ago

Does this have the ability to log shares per worker into a database before they're forwarded to the pool, which I could then pull using PHP to show on a website? I'm just looking to log the number of shares submitted with the worker name.

Also, for a feature request, would it be possible to add load balancing to the pool selection (in addition to fail-over and round robin)? Selectable in 10% increments, where you point to two pools at once. Say 40% of the proxies hashrate to one pool and 60% of the hashrate to the other, as one example.

Stratehm commented 9 years ago

I will add the number of shares submitted by a user since the proxy startup in the following API method: http://proxyIp:8888/user/list (look at the API detail in the README file for more details)

Load-balancing will not be implemented in the proxy since the only way to do it is heavily inaccurate and ineffective (the hashing power of a single worker cannot be split over several pools).

Stratehm commented 9 years ago

Share numbers added to the user/list API method (5273df5f)