Stratehm / stratum-proxy

Java implementation of a stratum->stratum/HTTPGetwork proxy with a Web GUI and some pool switching strategies (PriorityFailover, WeightedRoundRobin). Simple to install and configure.
GNU General Public License v3.0
199 stars 118 forks source link

Set Max Difficulty #60

Closed mcbiv closed 9 years ago

mcbiv commented 9 years ago


And Thanks for this great Java based stratum proxy server it works very well. Although I was wondering if there is a way to set an overall maximum difficulty rating. Or an individual max difficulty rate per user? Please let me know and again thank you

Stratehm commented 9 years ago

The proxy has not this kind of feature.

Theoretically (and with a lots of development), it should be possible to send a different difficulty from the pool one to workers. The limit is that the worker difficulty has to be lower or equals to the pool difficulty. If someone wants to make a Pull Request for this feature, he is welcome.