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Introduce Privacy Respecting Analytics/Opt Out of Analytics #830

Open Kotonohaa opened 2 weeks ago

Kotonohaa commented 2 weeks ago

Stremio Version Stremio on all platforms

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Stremio uses google analytics and microsoft crash analytics and it can be seen by using dns or adguard or any adblocker, now this isnt good since privacy focused people wouldnt like their data of what show they watch or any kind of data sent to google and microsoft

Describe the solution you'd like Stremio to introduce privacy respecting analytics, using google analytics and microsoft crash analytics for its apps seems sketchy, thats why it will be better for both privacy focused users and stremio's users in general

Describe alternatives you've considered To put the option of opting out of the analytics from settings

Additional context This is something which i think would be amazing if even one of those options gets pushed for stremio

Retold3202 commented 2 weeks ago


TRtomasz commented 3 days ago

What is sketchy in using microsoft crash analytics for apps? Looks like you are refering to the mobile app, you can disable this in the app settings.

Retold3202 commented 3 days ago

What is sketchy in using microsoft crash analytics for apps? Looks like you are refering to the mobile app, you can disable this in the app settings.

Microsoft is a notoriously privacy invasive company. Users may not trust or feel comfortable givijg them data. I see the option to disable crash reports for the mobile app, but what about the desktop apps? And what about Google Analytics? @TRtomasz

TRtomasz commented 21 hours ago

We do not use microsoft crashlytics for the desktop app we use sentry there.

Retold3202 commented 19 hours ago

We do not use microsoft crashlytics for the desktop app we use sentry there.

@TRtomasz Thanks for clarifying, but Sentry isn't much better...

All that we're really asking for at the end of the day is just a way to disable this form of tracking. It doesn't seem possible to disable Google Analytics on any platform, and it doesn't seem possible to disable the Sentry crash reporting on desktop either.