Stuk / jszip

Create, read and edit .zip files with Javascript
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Generating huge files on client #394

Open Pacerier opened 7 years ago

Pacerier commented 7 years ago

How do you pipe huge files on client?

I'm cutting files using a loop of:

var reader = new FileReader();
reader.readAsText(file.slice(pos, pos + x));

but where is the place to input the output string? How do we pipe the output string to the .pipe of:

.on('finish', function () {
    // JSZip generates a readable stream with a "end" event,
    // but is piped here in a writable stream which emits a "finish" event.
    console.log(" written.");

Aside from that, I'm getting the error nodestream is not supported by this platform.

jimmywarting commented 7 years ago

Screw-FileReader is a cross browser solution to turn a blob into a web stream Something of which jszip is considering adding: #345

Another solution is just to turn that blob into a stream using Response - part of the fetch API to do the most work for you

var stream = new Response(blob).body

The advantage with web stream is that you don't have to include the hole node stream + node buffer libs to the browser...

jimmywarting commented 7 years ago

either way this might be interesting to you also #343

Pacerier commented 7 years ago

This code:

.on('data', function (data, metadata) {
.on('error', function (e) {
.on('end', function () {

controls the output, But what are the methods to control the input?

My input isn't this:

    var zip = new JSZip();
    zip.file("Hello.txt", "Hello World\n");
    var img = zip.folder("images");

It is this:

// ..
window.webkitRequestFileSystem(window.PERSISTENT, huge_number, function(fs){
    fs.root.getFile('asdfgh', {create: false, exclusive: true}, function(fe) {
        fe.file(function(file) {
                      // ..

var my_input = file; // this file is my input // warning Huge file alert!

So I managed to cut the huge file up into small pieces using a loop of file.slice(pos, pos + x).

However, how do I insert those small pieces into the JSZip object?

amagliul commented 5 years ago

Hi @Pacerier and @jimmywarting, My apologies for resurrecting this old thread, but did either of you ever figure out an option for this?

Goal: Allow a user to upload multiple files/folders of any size, via drag-and-drop, from their local file system into their browser.

Proposed Solution: Create a zip file of the desired files/folders and chunk that up into multiple POSTs to the server. The server then assembles these chunks into a single zip file that can be extracted.

I have gotten this to work, and it works very well with a small enough set of items, but ....

Problem: zip.file() will end up reading all of the file data into an arraybuffer in memory, as it prepares each file (

This ends up ballooning the browser memory. A single file over 4GB will break things completely. A large set of smaller items will use memory equal to the total size of the files (8GB of files = 8GB of memory use, for example).

Is there a way to avoid this? The ability for generateInternalStream to stream with StreamFiles: true is great, but it doesn't seem very useful when the files added to the zip are all loaded into memory beforehand.

jimmywarting commented 5 years ago

@amagliul I made a PR to solve this very issue But nothing has happened here in one year

amagliul commented 5 years ago

Thanks @jimmywarting! This looks exactly what I figured should be happening. They should definitely merge this in.