Styline2 / graduation

Mathematics from easier to harder in the contination of Styline Précis de mathématiques
GNU General Public License v3.0
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graduation #1

Open Styline2 opened 5 years ago

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

The graduation is the step by step mehodology, involved in passwords security, Identity domains, names, département,, Professional keys, former and actual, with a Gateway for great affluence strongly when cloud frontend is dployed with repercussion on all computers and smartphones concerned by tthe query, one way principly in that vey case, one user by one user identified, letter by letter, number by number in each floor of the company.

About the widgets, they are generated by integer programs, corresponding with the subject, a dater for the date with a chronometer of calendar Inside, the hour on 24h format displayed on digital form clock or else is true

Local database-cache-applications server- cloud-cache- dedicated servers-final clients computers> <local datatbase-etl- local SaaS -big-- data-web> <mailbox edit protocols SMPT/POP3, edit Identity+birth date°personnal key 20 caracters, fist name name,; tags server mails, id true =>access, id false=>denied, rejected Hameçonnege's mails to be catched, collected when they are on display end, run

query lauch- progresmySQL-in order-tobuild fair-sentences-quality-logic-captured-analysis-classified-tags-etl-$%/(45)//^^8!*** /// 00/3;9°^^$

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

Control statement and description (Fortran) la boucle ( loop)

  1. exit If the exit statement is executed, the loop is exited, and the execution of the program continues at the first executable statement after the end do statement.

    2 | cycle If a cycle statement is executed, the program continues at the start of the next iteration. 3 | stop If you wish execution of your program to stop, you can insert a stop statement

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<!doctype! html

< head html "double mail" < body{ extension browser Alert password

< activate in Chrome browser < hammeçonnage=> alert <perso data lost=> recupetation ex system coockies=> input new system

< result is erase the orginal mailbox; false

< suppress the doublon; true

< complex password home: 22 caracters

< secret question never change; true

< phone number never change; true

< question beginning mailbox, year;true

< recuperation adress nor false neither true

< sms true valdation code forrecuperation action

< end <run

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<!doctype html < head html <body{can't replace data link layerbecause of incompatibility or impossibility to do

<input ckecked data impossible so < input copy data is possible < what to do with the initials? <input them in their own system

<upgrade their system Following the process intelligent

< the second data in the new system

< what about twice? communicate? or not?

< hand to the administrator

< end

< run

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<head à db html

< body { local db road < local db settings-data settings- analytic database-host-wb extern-security-extension web

<intern-local db settings-data settings-analytic db etlsecurity -dispatching values data-display secured data>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

Entre la DB et le serveur d'applications, il y a un flux principal, rapide et sécurisé et alentour deux flows plus longs, aussi rapides, le contournement sert à éviter la cassure du flow principal ou en tout cas, la perte immédiate et irrémédiable des informations. Le début des flows part de la DB pour atterrir sur les serveurs d'applications.

On tient compte de l'aspect sécurité indispensable et d'un paradigme de stockage: la virtualisation qui est un système de protection des data sensibles grâce à des algorithmes dédiés

le cloud relève de ses algorithmes dédiés et sécurisés; on évoque aussi la technique de la blockchain introduite dans le cloud

On va pouvoir se loguer sur Microsoft ( pardon l'open source;-(((() grâce à la biométrie ou une clé de sécurité à condition que ce soit sur W10 Ce serait une aubaine pour l'open source aussi

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

Arbre de décision

Une méthode de classification est l’arbre de décision.

Cela est identique à un organigramme, qui fournit une séquence hiérarchisée de l’information. Des tests sont effectués sur plusieurs paramètres d’entités classées.

Ces tests peuvent être un jeu de questions-réponses (oui-non) ou inclure un ensemble plus étendu de variables distinctes. A chaque étape d’un arbre de décision, ils sont appliqués aux données pour affiner la classification et ce, jusqu’à la racine de l’arbre, les entités étant enfin séparées dans différentes classes.

Un arbre de décision se construit en s’appuyant sur un algorithme de Machine Learning. Partant d’un ensemble pré-défini de classes, l’algorithme recherche de façon itérative les variables les plus différentes dans les entités classées.

Une fois cela identifié, et les règnes de décision déterminées, le jeu de données est segmenté en plusieurs groupes selon ces règles. L’analyse de données est effectuée de façon récursive sur chaque sous-ensemble jusqu’à ce que toutes les règles clé de classification soient identifiées.

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

Un site qui permet de visualiser les workflows complexes open source

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

displaystyle begin matrix x ax by czy dx ey fzz gx hy izend matrix

Matrix of data work projection in the goal to modelise a cloud, written in Shakespeare language

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

A private browser involves paid access to DNS si Identity, IP declined, cookies analized with IP identification: total control, total security: it doesn't exists unless "server dns probe terminated no internet"

anyway open browser put on tags (

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

) to catch the surfer, so security is respected on se logue à partir de lorem et on quitte après elit

tags mean catch the surfer through out the content

The strategy is there all security or openlabs of experiments and inventions?

freedom is a good strategy with secure aspects to respect each others

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

unknown other way to remember

gr_p-to-p64- no sec-time out ebk name_failed error cache

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

ctx-high-request-able-to upgrade-over-flow

Styline2 commented 5 years ago




one profile one access

end run

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

serrated-wheel at crossnotes-lines-free-directions-

Momentum 0-momentum 1-Momentum 3-momentum n

temporal nodes- digital-counter-on display-

data historisation-clouds-security-data-analytics-data biometric -secured



Styline2 commented 5 years ago

discs virtualization, c c', c";true; rgt-rgt-rgt end run

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<acme-canevas-saved, canevas-accidents-saved> <eden-rgt-saved, who saves>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

ce qui est d'une importance capitale n'est bien sûr pas de perdre les data mais de les historiser, les enrichir, mes mettre à jours, des data obsolètes sont le carbone 14 d'une data, elle signalent un accident dans leur histoire: perte de contact avec celui qui alimente la base. Pour rafraîchir la db il convient de faire un mapping ( datamining) sur les dates postérieures et de recouper les éléments fondateurs et de renouer avec l'historisation des data

l'ensemble de ces lignes constituent ma spécialité ( graduation)

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<scrip§§ante§§màj> <straight line;true> <historisation from 0 to n if n belong to R(real) and to C ( complex) and to I ( Imaginary et N (les Entiers Naturels)>

est ce que les entiers naturels sont les amis des nombres premiers ( fils, matrices ) ou les nombres premiers sont ils sans autre relation que divisibles par eux même ou par 1

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

volatile data storage tags

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<about data-searching ( computer vision)-collecting data ( machine Learning); transforming data ( time machine, big data) classifying -graph analytics- understanding-increase-decrease me mory cmd ( natural language process-summarizing(deep Learning- generating-increase-decrease cmd-bootcmd, off cmd< <system asleep, alarme 8.00 am/pm> < sensors.exe;-camera,- vocal recognition-, biometrics-unconsciousness limited in progress step by step- tags: write the step in sandbox-cgraphic cpu card-> <note: it doesn't work like that,/ regards to IBM for the part of analysis/regards all for leniency>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<weak-data-flows-more-queries-on main flow -overload of request on the main flow and devices are less saturated: imbalance to fix> < case 1>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<When you decline a data under multiple values, you reach the optimum value required, you store it and keep it up to date without cluttering it up so that it remains to its excellency. A bug can cause loss of values that multiplied by the number of data lose the database of excellence>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< data analyse: id-geo-timedata-history-language-


%upgrade-Auth-access/denied-depending-on -the key-secrurity

the data is the fundamental element of the language and the history

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< data disparition: take the root and reload historisation till the loss and upgrade the data>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< stolen data- go to root-tags analysis-compare how it runs without or with> < the thief can control your information system throughout an historised data and the stolen data can be damaged in an heterogeneous environment<

< token data fluent languages exchanges informations>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<after loss data reconstitution: similar historisation, new root other hitory: error system 404>

< case of memory lost in historisation of data, empty data new root, new historisation>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<sleeping data is not up to date, they are in a database corner asleep> < trojan are historical ennemies ofinformation system> < eradicate them are a case of emergency<

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< rgt#"edit"!doctype-"head html" body{ no chatbot between 2018 11 29 to 2018 12 15]> < raw_daily launchers programs to end customers and to db "upgrade database night&day"> < virtualization hard discs> < end <run

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<(x+t)²= x² +2xt+t²;true <4x-2xt=> déterminant ;true < si x = 5 et t=1 nous obtenons 20 -10 =10;true

< y=10 ; false

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< in underground world, everything happens new and original which gives positive values to put on exercises>

< We are the warrants of the right or wrong way in a spiritual consideration>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

,<virtualisation of domains, names, clouds servers, discs, storage features in Django language>

< precaution principle>

< fst attention :passwords, >

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<identites loss increase,/ e Biometric and security keys only parades, /necessary remove from the trade password hacking software /use random password generators>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

random-numbers>0; nights/days; random numbers <0 nights /days till they become real belonging to R

random numbers are not predictive so they are treated step by step with a special scheduler dedicated

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

thirty years ago, on apple 2e, the loop was usual as a program, no mouse, no Windows

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< Fraction Milestones are access restrictions>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<M2M example: floor able to feel an accident or a fall down, sensitive with sensors> < reliable system for machines to communicate each other throughout a network or a transmission of items dedicated like Iot or clouds>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<borders of sentences are specified by words or signs; no way to go further the very meaning Inside those borders>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<equilibrium data dispatched throughout lanes and main ways, harmonisation loadbalancing on server client>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< id private;name; id dates, domains, autho basis of vpn home technology>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< tags historisation time flow events, system memory repetition> < order Crescent, decrescent nan saved in db , query one by one> < disturb case 404 error 402 error mean service denied>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<rgt, rgt, rgt<

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< ansible data malware transformation in core system may be stocked in extra db; such a cluster db to stabilise the enterprise si> < si usr frontend empeached to run informations, general break down, firewal to get>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< after bad and done, to repair and reboot> < magnetics fields, electric arcs charge overloaded are a great danger for the si enterprise go> <after bolt, cut off the machines; components may have to be replaced or repair, respect to their integrity>

< i will tell later> {' [" |
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<Data extraction at the base of the information system leads to the construction of a sectoral and relational database multidimensional ;datawarehouse; The multidimensional database must be refreshed every day to be performing>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

mind mapping is a tool to explore a market domain or many>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago
Styline2 commented 5 years ago

< at crossroads, synchronisation data readers-upgrade data user-$ exchange-frequency-once-a day-rolling-footing items for general regulation and speed regulation, vigilance traffic lights operationnal-raw -automatic-recover potrfolio Under inflation, control M2M>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<etl-id-data-number-data-belonging to domain-using data dispatched by sector, classified by features> < future end to end communication M2M, usr to usr via interface, direct blutooth communication-security on hardiscs-auth-admin>