Styline2 / graduation

Mathematics from easier to harder in the contination of Styline Précis de mathématiques
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loop #5

Open Styline2 opened 5 years ago

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

zork =-1 print 5before, value) print'( -1 2, 1 3 4 5 89 98 43) for thing is "values smaller than 20 if they are single for numbers if they are odds" print " values odds non odds>0 and < 20" zork=zork+1 print ((zork, thing) same as before values if thing is > 42 so print " after zork after thing"

print ( 43 89 98)

Print ( Largest value)



Styline2 commented 5 years ago

the models examined, systematicized by laboratories in the use of AI, are inspired by animal behaviours that are highly ritualized. the emotions felt by the AI who analyzes and perceives the underheard elements can produce output errors. it's called accidents. trust>>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

Kubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management. It was originally designed by Google, and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. It aims to provide a "platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of application containers across clusters of hosts". It works with a range of container tools, including Docker>>>

I thought about lines code that make a kind of protocol of transmission of orders in deployments of applications containers across clusters of hosts, it must be at the stage of study, a non software way of communication very specific, quick, and with errors limitation, pre define and controlled, sure>>>>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

a burnt data is a data distributed to thousands of copies, as photos on the web are rare but it exists>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

a data that does not contain any real elements because of obsolescence must be kept in a database it is a historical data>>>>

it belongs to th History of SIE>>>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

are pure data data so only by a single processing factor? only transformed by the time factor and are unchanged in the database apart from the fact that cold data they become hot data with each update (the idea is the comparison with the more agitated and faster molecules in elevation temperature)>>>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

the lakes data are drowned data in the application servers for instance, their number is to high to be managed easily opposite of what happen in a datawarehouse. the applications servers transmit the data on queries in mapping several clients stations, the queries are there to schedule the data towards the good client workstation anyway the loading demand can be drown by the number and the redistribution and it generates a bug, to avoid the problem you need several servers>>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

The stolen data are cut off from the entire IS and deposited in a sand box buffer. this memory is copied and then emptied, it is a piece of memory that leaves the IS>>>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

<>>> a copy is considered as a clone when a new copy and independant of the original in object-oriented language, it's notyfied << _clone>> in its treatment>>

It is only a computer language story>>>>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

artificial intelligence should not be embodied in human form. If this were the case through mysterious biases, it would require equal rights all other things being equal> it's just forward-looking, of course.><<>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

latency times are essential to computing. Scanning required as intelligent respiration, four seconds per data flow rate time, data flow times occur every two minutes achieving a two-step computing finally, a pause time and information time.>>

Styline2 commented 5 years ago

maybe it has changed>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

if science is without the religious it must not do without ethics>>>

because our free will combined with our ignorance can make us make mistakes>>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

what about the hypothesis of creating creatures from organic components and making them to finish full-fledged beings who owe a few years of public service or to the establishment that gives them life before experiencing our freedom

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

that everyone has the chance to build their own lives>>>>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

machines are non organics and have a functionnement curly different>>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

around our being are temporal space epiphenomena, we are more than one here, we are here and there similar forged by contexts and environments around our being are temporal space epiphenomena, we are more than one here, we are here and there similar forged by contexts and environnements>> this is the view of Schröedingerr's cat>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

imagination is a part of ourselves that is abyssal, unexplained and lush>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

la vérité du langage est de ne le comprendre que d'instinct>>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

le langage comporte des balises>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

multiperception throughout few sensors drives to erratic behaviors>>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

past and memory or memories are not exactly equal, the past belongs to an history, and the memory at the experiences building it for one subject which in the best of case becomes a past>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

<>>>> question: is there some entities which may slip inside a machine, devil or whatever? is that have an interference with the code lines, may the code changes? the input is right but at the end what about the output? is it real? or false idea, is it of the world of possible or strictly impossible, the logic mind can not embrace that hypothesis>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

does a machine have a spirit?>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

when philosophy meets information sciences: the crossroad of the evolution>>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

The succession of orders is the definition of automation it is a way of perfecting the cycle of development of tasks from which the individual is banished but with the birth of the cognitive aspect backed by the encyclopedias and dictionaries of knowledge organized logically, we see a slight shift towards more flexibility, more probability science, occurrence and heuristic results The succession of orders is the definition of automation it is a way of perfecting the cycle of development of tasks from which the individual is banished but with the birth of the cognitive aspect backed by the encyclopedias and dictionaries of knowledge organized logically, we see a slight shift towards more flexibility, more probability science, occurrence and heuristic results>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

automation limits errors to 99% which is valuable in the world of computing, artificial intelligence accelerates computational processes for predictive results backed up by mathematics. Does the development of intelligence (artificial for machines and augmented for humans) not develop the affects, affects and intelligence being linked as motors of each other<>>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

<<<<< the path of the information contains many singular ways so that the data can be lost. Tracking data is not always possible, so some describes those cases of data the black data which are precious for the enterprise, may appear and disapear one more time without clear trace, fugitive one>>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

artificial intelligence at the discursive level proceeds by reformulation and informational cross-checking through keywords, its language is logical and is built on the basis of continuous checks and associations with words, close expressions themes as contiguous as possible>>

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

Big O example

i:=O while i<3n Do j: = 10 j<= 50 DO j=j+1 j=0 while j< nn*n DO j:= j+2 i:=i+1

on note que j<=50 et en première valeur 10 fait en toute fin 40 Loops donc f(n)= 3n*(40+n cubic/2) 3n/40+3Nexp4/2 Of(n)= O ( n exp4)

N4 le nombre de fois que prend n pour revenir à sa position initiale et ce chiffre est le minimum, le maximum est celui que prend la valeur stricto sensu de n en toute fin exp4 Pour un ordinateur rien n'est vide, la barre espace à une valeur, un sens pour la machine

dans le vide il y a toujours une trace de quelque chose. Sur nos meubles, la poussière est riche de particules élémentaires, c'et la même chose dans les salles blanches ou à l'intérieur d'un ordinateur classique, si ces données pouvaient être exploitées, nous en apprendrions plus sur certains domaines.

Styline2 commented 4 years ago


NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things: a powerful N-dimensional array object sophisticated (broadcasting) functions tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities Besides its obvious scientific uses, NumPy can also be used as an efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Arbitrary data-types can be defined. This allows NumPy to seamlessly and speedily integrate with a wide variety of databases. NumPy is licensed under the BSD license, enabling reuse with few restrictions.

Styline2 commented 4 years ago


Styline2 commented 4 years ago

The advance and breadth of knowledge must be reserved for the most knowledge-savvy. If the will to harm seizes the new technologies, this world will sink at the cost of cyclical rituals, barbaric, mutilating and criminal animated by a kind of hatred and almost innocent resentment

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

obscured vision is to avoid, limitation of visionning is better for freedom and ton escape subliminal messages that may go against our beliefs, our habits, our convictions, our capacity to separate right or wrong. The choice like the Freedom stop where begins the Freedom of each other

Styline2 commented 4 years ago

List,=( Born, not born, in, at , who, is NYC, Kansas City) Range ( numbers) ( 0, 1950) Print Range R ( 0 1950) Range List ( at, Born, in, Is, Kansas City, NYC, Who) List2 ( 12,3 4 5 6 7 0)

import ( Range Numbers; Range List)

Print ( 0, 1950, born, not born) Print= Print +1 (1, 1950, Born, not bonr at)

Feature1 = (Born in 1950 at) Feature2= (Not born in 1950 at)

Feature 3 = ( 1)

If feature 1 > or = to 0 and feature2< or = to 0 so

if feature1= feature 2 =List ( 0), Stranger)

Feature 1 is only open true validation of sentence or in developping no one matches with those indicators, or there are two much possibilities to be continued