SublimeText / CTags

CTags support for Sublime Text
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Does this actually support Emacs compatible TAGS files? #153

Open dertuxmalwieder opened 11 years ago

dertuxmalwieder commented 11 years ago

I'm currently creating my Ctags files with "ctags -Re" - this creates a TAGS file in the current folder. The README says the plug-in requires a .tags file. Now what?

EdVanDance commented 11 years ago

Use Ctrl-T, Ctrl-R within sublime to create your tags :)

dertuxmalwieder commented 10 years ago

Well, I was hoping anyone would answer my question what about already existing TAGS files... :/

stephenfin commented 10 years ago

Ah - missed that :) Far as I'm aware the regex matching won't match on etags (since they're formatted differently, right?). If you can suggest an alternative regex and (possibly) searching "algorithm" I'll be happy to merge it in.

dertuxmalwieder commented 10 years ago

Well, yes, the differences are:

  1. The file name (TAGS) ;-)
  2. etags uses a "Header" for all tags.

The differences are explained here. Not sure if it would be a simple regex, but I would actually appreciate a solution. :-/

stephenfin commented 10 years ago

Fair enough. I'll try to get to this sooner rather than later. However, if you're any way comfortable with Python atal I'd suggest taking a look at this yourself. You'll most likely be able to get it resolved much sooner than I will :)

I'll reopen for now nonetheless.

dertuxmalwieder commented 10 years ago

Python is one of the few languages I'm not familiar with. It lacks brackets.

stephenfin commented 10 years ago


stephenfin commented 10 years ago

Had a look at this. You're right - it's not a small change (in fact it's quite a large one). Off the top of my head, here's some thing that would have to be changed to add support for this feature:

All in all, it seems adding ETAGS support is going to take a good deal of work and won't perform as well as ctags. As a result it's going to be pretty low on my priority list. If someone else wants to take a look at this feel free but I doubt I'll get around to it I'm afraid. :( My best advice would be to convert the tags somehow or rebuild new tags using this plugin or the shell.

dertuxmalwieder commented 10 years ago

Of course I am right.

ad 1.): The new algorithm would also improve speed for CTAGS, I'd assume.

ad 2.): The regex would probably be rather similar, so this is not "so" much work, I guess. OTOH I'm not familiar with Python regex, so I can't really help :(

stephenfin commented 10 years ago

At least you're modest :)

(1) No. Binary search is pretty much the best search algorithm for this kind of irregular, sorted data. A linear search will almost certainly be slower. emacs might have a more efficient search algorithm implemented but finding out how it works would involve delving into emacs source code - something I'm not willing/capable of doing. (2) Yes it would be similar but a lot more would have to change - check my previous reply. On this note though, there's never a bad time to learn a new language?

dertuxmalwieder commented 10 years ago

1.) Hmm, the Emacs sources are largely written in Emacs Lisp, another language I'm only scraping the surface of (yet)... ;-)

2.) But it has no brackets!