SuicidalSTDz / EnderAPI

An API by the people, for the people
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Ask before updating #3

Closed skwerlman closed 10 years ago

skwerlman commented 10 years ago

"...make a system where it asks the user if they want to update the installer/apis before actually updating them." - apemanzilla

dmarcuse commented 10 years ago

On it.

SuicidalSTDz commented 10 years ago

I made a script to allow the user to select what files are updated. It is under the main directory and needs to be rigorously tested before releasing. Still needs some additions, like an option to automatically update no matter what, and another to update the files the user wants to.

dmarcuse commented 10 years ago

Ok. Was testing a system to ask the user what to update, but it seems the HTTP get requests weren't going through properly... Maybe its because of CCEmu, idk.