Acceptance Criteria
The layout adjusts properly on devices with screen widths of 320px, 480px, 768px, and 1024px.
Text, images, and other content are readable and appropriately sized on all devices.
Navigation menus are accessible and functional on mobile devices.
No horizontal scrolling is required on mobile devices.
All interactive elements (buttons, links, forms) are easily tappable on touch screens.
Review current layout and identify non-responsive components.
Update CSS to use flexible grids and media queries.
Test responsiveness on various devices and screen sizes.
Adjust images and media for responsive display.
Ensure accessibility and usability on mobile devices.
Acceptance Criteria The layout adjusts properly on devices with screen widths of 320px, 480px, 768px, and 1024px. Text, images, and other content are readable and appropriately sized on all devices. Navigation menus are accessible and functional on mobile devices. No horizontal scrolling is required on mobile devices. All interactive elements (buttons, links, forms) are easily tappable on touch screens. Tasks Review current layout and identify non-responsive components. Update CSS to use flexible grids and media queries. Test responsiveness on various devices and screen sizes. Adjust images and media for responsive display. Ensure accessibility and usability on mobile devices.