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Model hyperparameters #3

Open yuanenming opened 3 years ago

yuanenming commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your wonderful work. Well-organized project!

You have mentioned that you did a grid search on hyperparameters. Could you please provide the best hyperparameters for different datasets? or at least some hints for different datasets.

SungMinCho commented 3 years ago

@yuanenming Hello. Thanks for your comment. Unfortunately I lost the records for optimal hyperparameters for each model-dataset pair. However you could find in the paper the range I used for grid-search. You could try your own search with the same range, or a bigger or a smaller range, since the range I chose was arbitrary. And FYI, these days I tend to use other search methods as such as Bayesian because they tend to be more efficient.

yuanenming commented 3 years ago

OK! Thanks!