Surge-Information-Management-Support / 2024-bra-floods

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Dynamic flood impact and forecast dashboard #11

Open JonathanGarro opened 1 month ago

JonathanGarro commented 1 month ago
JonathanGarro commented 1 month ago

hey @leerevis - just wanted to check in on this and see if you had any questions or updates.

leerevis commented 3 weeks ago

Unfortunate I hit obstacles with this.

Update below, "I've given a few days to this and whilst the theory is sound, there are a few issues I've not been able to solve. Forecasting for the affected region is putting the daily API calls into the hundreds and I can't find a forecast API that is both reliable, free and can be plugged into PowerBI. Because the forecasts change daily, there's a lot of overwriting data which is a nightmare for load times and for index matching. I think you'd need a virtual machine to do the daily updates and cleaning, or potentially a server droplet - but unfortunately I don't have access to either. On the satellite side of things, Copernicus is not great on South America and the NASA satellites are every 6-8 days and I'm not used to working on them. I'd say given two or three weeks of a full time person working on this, it would be doable for a cost, but unfortunately I'm pushing the bounds of what I can blag for my day job as it is. I'm really sorry and I hate to let the in-country team down."

Below is the resources I'd collected and was working with, - satellite data from MODIS/Aqua+Terra Global Flood Product L3 NRT 250m - search MCDWD_L3_NRT - earthdata download - list of NASA earthdata flood products - SWOT River Database for river catchment area finding - has resources - accuweather api (50 calls per day on free) - openweather API, limit is 1000 calls per day - Brazil's Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE. API - though no granula enough - INPE xml example