Sverchok / SverchokRedux

A reimplementation of Sverchok
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Basic Generator Nodes. #27

Open zeffii opened 8 years ago

zeffii commented 8 years ago

I've thought about this for a while and want to suggest some strategies and see how you guys look at it.

I propose a set of Basic Geometry generators

Node Name XYZ Toggle Origin Toggle Modes
Basic Line yes yes, why not?
Basic Circle yes center, corners 4
Basic Plane yes center, corners 4
Basic Cube no center
Basic Sphere no center IcoSphere / UVSphere
ly29 commented 8 years ago

Seems sensible as basics.

nortikin commented 8 years ago

Norm. All vectorized? I see that as vectorized and + separated flag as mode in cube and sphere. types of sphere can be much different. bmesh generator for cube? sections again? Or can i finish my scripted node of ordered cube? My script is slooow. how to solve?

zeffii commented 8 years ago

Sometimes we don't need complicated generators. It will definitely help people trying to make their own generator nodes to have a few simpler examples which help them understand the more complicated generators too.

The idea is to make vectorization easier to declare as a feature of the input sockets, so we only write code which concentrates on what to do when all sockets have data - and rarely need to write the vectorization explicitely in the node.

@nortikin , yeah I really do want simple generator nodes that use bmesh.ops to generate their base meshes. But I think it makes sense for certain generators to be easily hot-swappable with more advanced versions ( basic-node -> get connections / parameters / location -> delete node -> add advanced version -> set location / parameters / reconnect )

zeffii commented 8 years ago

regarding speed there are options: